Dear Colleagues,

ICE-B 2021 is welcoming abstract submissions and also contributions to the
e-Business 2021 Doctoral Consortium, until the 12th of May.


In order to ensure a proper and fair review of the abstracts, we encourage
authors to submit abstracts with clear insights and background of the work,
and to include complementing material that can help the panel understand its
contribution and relevance to the conference. Complementing material could
include, for example, previously published papers or videos related to the
abstract, to enrich the abstract submission. 

Abstracts that bring an appropriate complementing material are eligible for
oral or poster presentation; otherwise, they are eligible for poster
presentation only. Oral presentations are given a 20' minutes time slot.

Abstracts will be advertised in the conference program and in the conference
book of abstracts (in the printed and digital version), but not published


The ICE-B 2021 Doctoral Consortium aims to improve the research of PhD
students and broaden their perspectives by giving them the opportunity to
share and develop their research ideas in a supportive environment, get
feedback from senior members, improve their communication skills, exchange
ideas, and build relationships with other PhD students.

Accepted contributions will be presented in a dedicated conference session
where participants will discuss their research ideas and results, and
receive constructive feedback from an audience consisting of their peers as
well as more senior experts in the field. In addition to that, students will
be invited to participate at poster sessions so that they also receive
comments of other participants in the conference.



Submission deadline: May 12, 2021

Notification of acceptance:   May 25, 2021

Camera Ready and Registration: June 3, 2021



For more information, you may send an email to:
<> or
visit the conference website:  <>


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