The 23rd International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2021)
           December 1 - 3, 2021 (online conference)

In collaboration with Asia-Pacific Chapter of iSchools

           URL: https://icadl.net/icadl2021

International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL), which 
started in Hong Kong in 1998 and over the years traveled many countries in the 
Asia-Pacific region, is known as a major digital library conference. Along with 
JCDL and TPDL, ICADL is held annually as one of the three top venues for 
connecting digital library, computer science, and library and information 
science communities. This year ICADL will be held online from December 1st to 
3rd, 2021 (JST time zone), same as last year. Doctoral consortium will also be 
held with Asia-Pacific Chapter of iSchools (AP-iSchools) collaboration. Under 
the COVID-19 pandemic, we have learned that online opportunities give us new 
normal lifestyle. We believe that new and fair innovations, mechanisms, are 
systems are necessary towards realizing Open and Trustworthy Digital Societies. 
The theme for ICADL 2021 is " Towards Open and Trustworthy Digital Societies ". 
ICADL 2021 will provide an opportunity for researchers from not only 
Asia-Pacific regions but also all over the world to exchange and discuss their 
ideas together across different domains to achieve innovative digital 
information environment especially during this pandemic time. Attendees can 
join ICADL for free of charge! Registration is still required prior to the 
Proceedings of ICADL 2021 will be published by Springer as an LNCS volume, 
which is indexed by Scopus. This year, we have the following three submission 
categories: full research papers, short research papers, and practice papers. 
Note that there will be no demo or poster submissions. We encourage potential 
authors who will submit posters or demos to extend their work to short paper 
format, which is at most 6 pages.
If there is any interest for organizing workshops, tutorial, and panel sessions 
with ICADL 2021, we will consider them on request. Please contact conference 
organizers (icadl2...@easychair.org<mailto:icadl2...@easychair.org>) with your 
proposal. The information about the accepted events will put on the conference 
website and we will encourage attendees to join the events.
The Best Paper and the Best Student Paper will be awarded by Program Committee 
among the accepted full papers. Same as in the last year, selected best papers 
will be invited for a special issue to be published with the International 
Journal on Digital Libraries (IJDL), Springer.

The schedule is shown below. All the dates are Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time 
- Full, Short Research and Practice Papers Submission: July 1, 2021
- Acceptance Notification (All paper categories): August 20, 2021
- Camera Ready Copy of Papers: September 20, 2021
- Attendee and Author Information Registration Deadline: November 15, 2021
- Conference: December 1 - 3, 2021

We invite submissions on diverse topics related to digital libraries and 
related fields including, but not limited to:

-       Information Technologies, Data Science & Applications
-       Cultural Information, Digital Humanities & Scholarly Data Analysis
-       Social Informatics and Socio-technological Issues in Digital Libraries

Detailed topics are listed on the ICADL 2021 Website 

All submissions must be in English, in PDF format. Papers should follow 
Springer Computer Science Proceedings guidelines 
 All papers are to be submitted via the conference’s EasyChair submission 
system (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icadl2021).

The lengths of submissions should be as follows:
・ Full papers: 12-14 pages + references
・ Short papers: 6-8 pages + references
・ Practice papers: 6-8 pages + references

At least 3 Program Committee members will review each submission. The review 
for practice paper submissions will put less emphasis on the novelty and more 
on real world practices and applications of DL technologies in institutions or 
Sufficient time for oral will be given to oral presentation for accepted papers 
in all submission categories using a presentation platform to be chosen later 
(e.g., ZOOM). Each accepted paper must be presented online by at least one of 
the co-authors.

Conference co-chairs:
- Emi Ishita (Kyushu University, Japan)
- Sueyeon Syn (Catholic University of America, USA)

Program committee co-chairs:
- Hao-Ren Ke (NTNU, Taiwan)
- Chei Sian Lee (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
- Kazunari Sugiyama (Kyoto University, Japan)

Publicity co-chairs:
- Ricardo Campos (INESC TEC; Ci2 - Smart Cities Research Center, Polytechnic 
Institute of Tomar, Portugal)
- Songphan Choemprayong (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
- Akira Maeda (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
- Natalie Pang (NUS, Singapore)
- Rahmi (Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia)
- Nguyễn Hoàng Sơn (Vietnam National University, Hanoi)
- Suppawong Tuarob (Mahidol University, Thailand)
- Sohaimi Zakaria (Universiti Teknologi MARA)
- Lihong Zhou (Wuhan University, China)

Web chair:
- Shun-Hong Sie (NTNU, Taiwan)

Session management chair:
- Hiroyoshi Ito (University of Tsukuba, Japan)

Doctoral consortium co-chairs:
- Atsuyuki Morishima (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
- Di Wang (Wuhan University, China)

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