You are all invited to contribute to the paper track of the upcoming ROAD challenge: Event detection for situation awareness in autonomous driving
hosted by ICCV 2021: Submission deadline: July 10 2021 1 Aim of the Event The accurate detection and anticipation of actions performed by multiple road agents (pedestrians, vehicles, cyclists and so on) is a crucial problem to tackle if we wish to endow autonomous vehicles with the capability to support reliable and safe autonomous decision making. The goal of this workshop is to put to the forefront of the research in autonomous driving the topic of situation awareness, intended as the ability to create semantically useful representations of dynamic road scenes in terms of the notion of ‘road event’.leveraging our recently released ROad event Awareness Dataset for autonomous driving (ROAD): 2 Topics of the workshop We invite contributions on the following topics: Detecting and modelling ‘atomic’ events, intended as simple actions performed by a single agent. Detecting and modelling complex activities, contributed to by several agents over an extended period of time. Predicting agent intentions. Dynamic scene understanding from streaming videos. Predicting the trajectory of pedestrians, vehicles and other road users. Forecasting future road events (both atomic and complex). Decision making, both via reinforcement/imitation learning and via intermediate representations, and a critical/empirical comparison between the two approaches. Explicability of both perception and decision making components of autonomous driving. Modelling road scenarios in a multi-agent framework. Modelling the reasoning processes of road agents in terms of goals or mental states. Machine theory of mind for autonomous vehicles. The role of incremental, life-long and continual learning in autonomous driving, with a focus on situation awareness. The use of realistic simulations to generate training data for semantic scene understanding. Testing and certification of AI algorithms for autonomous driving. The ethical implications of situation awareness and automated decision making. The list is in no way exhaustive. 3 Call for papers and challenge participation We invite both paper contributions on these topics, as well as submissions of entries to a Challenge specifically designed to test situation awareness capabilities in autonomous vehicles, which is described in detail below. The Challenge is based on the recently released ROad event Awareness Dataset for autonomous driving (ROAD): which can downloaded from GitHub here: A separate Call for Participation in the Challenge will be issued shortly. 4 Workshop format The workshop will be a full-day event, conducted in virtual format just like the main conference. A link to a suitable video-conferencing tool will be made available in due time. 5 Important dates Paper submission: July 10 2021 Notification: August 10 2021 Camera-ready: August 17 2021 (same date as the main conference) Workshop date: October 10-17 2021 (to be confirmed) 6 Submission guidelines Contributed papers are to follow the standard ICCV 2021 template, see and need to be submitted to the Workshop CMT website at the following address: Authors are welcome to submit a supplementary material document with details on their implementation; however, reviewers are not required to consult this additional material when assessing the submission. The Workshop will allow for the submission of papers concurrently submitted elsewhere, with the aim of aggregating all relevant efforts in this area. The authors of accepted papers must guarantee their presence at the workshop. At least one author for each accepted paper must register for the conference. The same holds for Challenge winners. 7 Awards The Workshop will issue: A Best Paper Award to the author(s) of the best accepted paper, as judged by the Organising Committee based on the reviews assigned by PC members. A Best Student Paper Award, selected in the same way. A Prize to be awarded to the winners of each of the Challenges. We reserve the right to issue Honourable Mentions to the most original challenge entries. 8 Invited speakers Raquel Urtasun (University of Toronto) Adrien Gaidon (Toyota Research Institute) Daniela Rus (MIT) Deva Ramanan (Carnegie Mellon) Paul Newman (University of Oxford, Oxbotica) 9 Organising committee Fabio Cuzzolin (Oxford Brookes University) Gurkirt Singh (ETH Zurich) Reza Javanmard Alitappeh (Mazandaran University of Science and Technology) Andrew Bradley (Oxford Brookes University) Stanislao Grazioso (University of Naples Federico II) Giuseppe Di Gironimo (University of Naples Federico II) Valentina Musat (University of Oxford) Valentina Fontana (University of Naples Federico II)
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