Call for Participation: Third Workshop on Formal Methods for Autonomous Systems 
(FMAS 2021)
FMAS 2021 is a one-day workshop that brings together researchers working on a 
range of techniques for the formal verification of autonomous systems, to 
present recent work in the area, discuss key challenges, and stimulate 
collaboration between autonomous systems and formal methods researchers.

More details can be found on our website:

Our twitter account is: and posts about this 
year's workshop use the tag #FMAS2021
Important Dates
Submission: 30th of July 2021 (Anywhere on Earth )
Notification: 3rd of September 2021
Final Version due: 24th of September 2021
Workshop: 21st of October 2021
Autonomous systems present unique challenges for formal methods. They are often 
embodied in robotic systems that can interact with the real world, and they 
make independent decisions. Amongst other categories, they can be viewed as 
safety-critical, cyber-physical, hybrid, and real-time systems.

Key challenges for applying formal methods to autonomous systems include: 
the system's dynamic deployment environment;
verifying the system's decision making capabilities -- including planning, 
ethical, and reconfiguration choices; and
using formal methods results as evidence given to certification or regulatory 
FMAS welcomes submissions that use formal methods to specify, model, or verify 
autonomous systems; in whole or in part. We are especially interested in work 
using Integrated Formal Methods, where multiple (formal or non-formal) methods 
are combined.

Autonomous systems are often embedded in robotic or cyber-physical systems, and 
they share many features (and verification challenges) with automated systems. 
FMAS welcomes submissions with applications to: 
automated systems,
semi-autonomous systems,
fully-autonomous systems, or
systems that have the potential to be autonomous in the future.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Novel or Integrated Formal Methods that are suited to Autonomous or Automated 
Runtime Verification or other formal approaches to deal with the reality gap 
(the gap between models/simulations and the real world),
Verification against safety assurance arguments or standards documents,
Case Studies that identify challenges when applying formal methods to 
autonomous systems,
Experience Reports that provide guidance for tackling challenges with formal 
methods or tools, or
Discussions of the future directions of the field.
Submission and Publication
There are two categories of submission:
Short papers -- 6 pages (excluding references), suitable for overviews of an 
approach or work-in-progress. Work from PhD students is particularly welcome;
Long papers -- 15 pages (excluding references), suitable for descriptions of 
completed studies, new approaches, or new directions.
Submission will be via easychair; FMAS has a single track that accepts both 
categories of submission. Submissions must be prepared using the EPTCS LaTeX 

Each submission will receive at least three, single-blind reviews. If a paper 
is accepted, at least one of the authors must attend the workshop to present 
their work. We intend that accepted papers will be published via EPTCS.
FMAS 2021 hopes to be a hybrid event to facilitate both virtual and in-person 
attendance (COVID-permitting) at Maynooth University, Ireland. This will be 
confirmed by the 3rd of September 2021 after we assess the possibility of the 
in-person component. If this is not possible then the workshop will be purely 
Matt Luckcuck (, Maynooth University, Ireland
Marie Farrell (, Maynooth University, Ireland

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