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The 7th International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and
Data Science – LOD 2021 - October 5-8, 2021 – Grasmere, Lake District,
England – UK

LOD 2021, An Interdisciplinary Conference: Machine Learning, Optimization,
Big Data & Artificial Intelligence without Borders

All papers must be submitted using EasyChair:

Paper Submission deadline: Thursday April 29, 2021 (Anywhere on Earth)

Any questions regarding the submission process can be sent to conference

Please prepare your paper in English using the Springer Nature – Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) template, which is available here. Papers
must be submitted in PDF.

When submitting a paper to LOD 2021, authors are required to select one of
the following four types of papers:

* long paper: original novel and unpublished work (max. 15 pages in
Springer LNCS format);

* short paper: an extended abstract of novel work (max. 5 pages);

* work for oral presentation only (no page restriction; any format). For
example, work already published elsewhere, which is relevant and which may
solicit fruitful discussion at the conference;

* abstract for poster presentation only (max 2 pages; any format). The
poster format for the presentation is A0 (118.9 cm high and 84.1 cm wide,
respectively 46.8 x 33.1 inch). For research work which is relevant and
which may solicit fruitful discussion at the conference.

Each paper submitted will be rigorously evaluated. The evaluation will
ensure the high interest and expertise of reviewers. Following the
tradition of LOD, we expect high-quality papers in terms of their
scientific contribution, rigor, correctness, novelty, clarity, quality of
presentation and reproducibility of experiments.
Accepted papers must contain significant novel results. Results can be
either theoretical or empirical. Results will be judged on the degree to
which they have been objectively established and/or their potential for
scientific and technological impact.

It is also possible to present the talk virtually (Zoom).

* Ioannis Antonoglou, DeepMind, UK
  Topics:  AlphaGO, Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
  Title: TBA

* Paige Bailey, Microsoft, USA
  Topics: TensorFlow 2.0, Data Analysis, Machine Learning
  Title: Machine Learning with TF 2.x and JAX

* Panos Pardalos, University of Florida, USA
  Topics: Optimization, Complex Networks & Data Science
  Title: TBA

* Verena Rieser, Heriot Watt University, UK
  Topics: Natural Language Processing, Conversational AI, Spoken Dialogue
Systems, Dialog, Natural Language Generation
  Title: Advances and Challenges in Conversational AI

More Keynote Speakers Coming soon!

* "Introduction to PyTorch" (4 hours), Thomas Viehmann, MathInf GmbH,

More Tutorial Speakers Coming soon!

Pierre Baldi, University of California Irvine, USA
Yoshua Bengio, Head of the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms
(MILA) & University of Montreal, Canada
Bettina Berendt, TU Berlin, Germany & KU Leuven, Belgium, and Weizenbaum
Institute for the Networked Society, Germany
Jörg Bornschein, DeepMind, London, UK
Michael Bronstein, Imperial College London, UK
Nello Cristianini, University of Bristol, UK
Peter Flach, University of Bristol, UK, and EiC of the Machine Learning
Marco Gori, University of Siena, Italy
Arthur Gretton, UCL, UK
Arthur Guez, Google DeepMind, Montreal, UK
Yi-Ke Guo, Imperial College London, UK
George Karypis, University of Minnesota, USA
Vipin Kumar, University of Minnesota, USA
Marta Kwiatkowska, University of Oxford, UK
Angelo Lucia, University of Rhode Island, USA
George Michailidis, University of Florida, USA
Kaisa Miettinen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Stephen Muggleton, Imperial College London, UK
Panos Pardalos, University of Florida, USA
Jan Peters, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt & Max-Planck Institute for
Intelligent Systems, Germany
Tomaso Poggio, MIT, USA
Andrey Raygorodsky, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia
Mauricio G. C. Resende, Research and University of Washington
Seattle, Washington, USA
Raniero Romagnoli, CTO Almawave, Italy
Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, and AI Research at
Maria Schuld, Xanadu & University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Vincenzo Sciacca, Almawave, Italy
My Thai, University of Florida, USA
Richard E. Turner, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK
Ruth Urner, York University, Toronto, Canada
Isabel Valera, Saarland University, Saarbrücken & Max Planck Institute for
Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany


*) Special Session on "Data Science for Sustainable Cities"
Chairs: Alberto Castellini, Alessandro Farinelli, Giuseppe Nicosia, Varun


The amount of data generated nowadays by society, city infrastructures, and
digital technologies around us is astonishing. The analysis, modeling and
knowledge extraction of/from these data is a key asset for understanding
urban environments and improving the efficiency of urban mobility,  air
quality and other forms of sustainability. This special session provides a
platform to share high-quality research ideas related to data science
methods and technologies for urban environments, a topic of crucial
importance for many Sustainable Development Goals (i.e., SDG 7 on
Sustainable Energy and SDG 11 on Sustainable Cities and Communities).
Another important goal is to establish a meeting point for researchers in
academia and industry who develop methodologies and technologies for data
science, machine learning and artificial intelligence with specific
applications in smart and sustainable cities.

Analytics for smart growth and effective infrastructure
A selection of the best papers accepted for the presentation at the special
session will be invited to submit an extended version for publication on
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities (

*) Special Session on AI for Sustainability
We welcome  contributions on AI for Sustainable Development, AI for
Sustainable Urban Mobility, AI for Food Security, AI to fight
Deforestation, cutting-edge technology AI to create Inclusive and
Sustainable development that leaves no one behind.

*) Special Session on AI to help to fight Climate Change
AI is a new tool to help us better manage the impacts of climate change and
protect the planet. AI can be a “game-changer” for climate change and
environmental issues.

AI refers to computer systems that “can sense their environment, think,
learn, and act in response to what they sense and their programmed

World Economic Forum report, Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for the

We accept papers/short papers/talks at the intersection of climate change,
AI, machine learning and data science. AI, Machine Learning and Data
Science  can be invaluable tools both in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
and in helping society adapt to the effects of climate change.

We invite submissions  using AI, Machine Learning and/or Data Science to
address problems in climate mitigation/adaptation including but not limited
to the following topics:

* Industrial Session
Chairs: Giovanni Giuffrida – Neodata.

* Special Session on Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Explainability is essential for users to effectively understand, trust, and
manage powerful artificial intelligence applications.

* Special Session on Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) & Multi Criteria
Decision Aiding (MCDA)

* The 7 Special Sessions on Machine Learning

Multi-Task Learning
Reinforcement Learning
Deep Learning
Generative Adversarial Networks
Deep Neuroevolution
Networks with Memory
Learning from Less Data and Building Smaller Models

* The 7 Special Session on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Simulation Environments to understand how AI Systems Learn
Chatbots and Conversational Agents
Data Science at Scale & Data in the Cloud
Urban Informatics & Data-Driven Modelling of Complex Systems
Data-centric Engineering
Data Security, Traceability of Information & GDPR
Economic Data Science

Springer sponsors the LOD 2021 Best Paper Award with a cash prize of 1,000

500+ confirmed PC members! Breaking the record of the last edition of LOD!

“ESCAPE THE HURRYING WORLD – The loveliest spot that man hath ever found…”
Escape to the Lake District, England – a UNESCO World Heritage site – and
you’ll find it’s easy to share William Wordsworth’s delight in the area.

The Wordsworth Hotel & Spa (****)
Address: Grasmere, Ambleside, Lake District, Cumbria, LA22 9SW, England, UK
Phone: +44-1539-435592



Best WALKS in the Lake District National Park:

Submit your research work today!

See you in the beautiful Lake District - UK in October!

Best regards,
  LOD 2021 Organizing Committee

Past Editions

LOD 2020, The Sixth International Conference on Machine Learning,
Optimization and Big Data
Certosa di Pontignano – Siena – Tuscany – Italy. Nature Springer – LNCS
volumes 12565 and 12566.
LOD 2019, The Fifth International Conference on Machine Learning,
Optimization and Big Data
Certosa di Pontignano – Siena – Tuscany – Italy.
Nature Springer – LNCS volume 11943.
LOD 2018, The Fourth International Conference on Machine Learning,
Optimization and Big Data
Volterra – Tuscany – Italy. Nature Springer – LNCS volume 11331.
MOD 2017, The Third International Conference on Machine Learning,
Optimization and Big Data
Volterra – Tuscany – Italy. Springer – LNCS volume 10710.
MOD 2016,  The Second International Workshop on Machine learning,
Optimization and big Data
Volterra – Tuscany – Italy. Springer – LNCS volume 10122.
MOD 2015, International Workshop on Machine learning, Optimization and big
Taormina – Sicily – Italy. Springer – LNCS volume 9432.

Past Keynote Speakers:

* Apologies for multiple copies. Please forward to anybody who might be
interested *

LOD2021 Poster:
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