*DIMACS 2021 Workshop on Forecasting: From Predictions to Decisions*

*Call For Papers*

Following the successful EC 2017 Workshop on Forecasting, we seek
submissions to the *DIMACS 2021 Workshop on Forecasting, to be held online
March 17-19, 2021*. We welcome submissions describing recent research on
crowd-sourced, data-driven, or hybrid approaches to forecasting. We
especially encourage contributions that leverage forecasts to improve

Recent advances in crowdsourced forecasting mechanisms, including Good
Judgment’s superforecasting, prediction markets, wagering mechanisms, and
peer-prediction systems, have risen in parallel to advances in machine
learning and other data-driven forecasting approaches. Innovations have
come from academic researchers, companies, data journalists, and government
programs like IARPA’s Aggregative Contingent Estimation program and Hybrid
Forecasting Competition.

The workshop will emphasize forecasts embedded inside decision-making
systems, where the value of a forecast comes from increasing the expected
utility of a key decision. Our ultimate goal is to modernize organizations,
markets, and governments by improving how they collect and combine
information and make decisions.

The workshop embraces the diversity of this exciting and expanding field
and encourages submissions from a rich set of empirical, experimental, and
theoretical perspectives. We invite theoretical computer scientists
studying algorithmic game theory, incentivized exploration, and NP-hard
counting problems; AI researchers studying machine learning, human
computation, Bayesian inference, peer prediction, and satisfiability;
statisticians studying scoring rules and belief aggregation; economists
studying prediction markets, financial markets, and wagering mechanisms;
data journalists and marketing scientists studying surveys and polls;
blockchain pioneers implementing decentralized prediction markets and other
experimental market constructs; social and behavioral scientists studying
human behavior modeling; human-computer interaction researchers designing
interfaces to facilitate elicitation or convey uncertainty; and
practitioners working to improve forecasts as a business or service.

Uncertainty is hard to communicate. Forecasters argue that they are
“right”, and critics that forecasters are “wrong” (for example about Brexit
or the US Presidential election), despite the fact that probabilistic
forecasts can only be evaluated in bulk relative to other forecasts. We
invite contributions discussing ways to communicate uncertainty and educate
the public about modeling, forecasting, and scoring, building on the
excellent 2018 Nova episode “Prediction by the Numbers”.

Topics of interest for the workshop include but are not limited to:

(1) Incentives in forecasting. Methods for eliciting truthful and accurate
forecasts or information.

(2) Coordinating groups of participants to collectively forecast. Examples
include prediction markets and wagering mechanisms.

(3) Connections between human- and machine-driven forecasting. Uses of
data, models, or machine learning in forecasting, and theoretical
connections between forecasting mechanisms and machine learning techniques.

(4) Making complex forecasts. Predicting structured, combinatorial, or
multi-part events. Making conditional forecasts. Forecasting continuous
distributions, exponential-sized joint distributions, and spatiotemporal

(5) Forecasting metrics related to climate, the environment,
transportation, renewable energy, or public health. For example, metrics of
a pandemic including number infected, number hospitalized, number killed,
and fatality rate by region and over time, conditioned on public health

(6) Forecasting in support of decision making by companies, organizations,
or governments.

(7) Visualization and other best practices for communicating uncertainty
and educating the public about forecasts.

We invite both full contributions and poster contributions. A full
contribution is an unpublished or recently published research manuscript. A
poster contribution can be a preprint, a recently published paper, an
abstract, or a presentation file. Preference may be given to more recent
and unpublished work. We especially encourage poster contributions from
students and postdocs.

*Please submit your contributions using the Google Form*
https://forms.gle/wPt4sxovctUKNT8s6 *by February 19, 2021*. The workshop is
non-archival, meaning contributors are free to publish their results later
in archival journals or conferences. Panel discussion proposals and invited
speaker suggestions are also welcome. Email questions or suggestions to the

The workshop will include invited and contributed talks, open discussion,
and may include a poster session and a rump session. Workshop registration
will be open.

*Important Dates*

* Submissions due:* *Friday, February 19, 2021*

Notifications: Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Workshop Dates: Wednesday-Friday, March 17-19, 2021

*Organizing Committee*

Raf Frongillo, University of Colorado

David Pennock, Rutgers University

Bo Waggoner, University of Colorado

*Workshop Website*

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