ICML 2020 Call for Post-Conference Workshops

Fri July 17th and Sat July 18th, Messe Wien Exhibition & Congress
Vienna Austria

Following the ICML 2020 main conference <https://icml.cc/>, workshops will
be held on Fri July 17th and Sat July 18th. We invite researchers
interested in chairing one of these workshops to submit proposals. Workshop
organizers have several responsibilities, including coordinating workshop
participation and content, publicizing and providing the program in a
timely manner and moderating the program throughout the workshop.

ICML also solicits proposals for affinity workshops. The format and aims of
these workshops should be described by the workshop organisers, following
for instance the template set out by similar workshops that took place at
NeurIPS in 2019 (WiML, Black in AI, LatinX in AI, Queer in AI). Affinity
workshop proposals should be emailed directly to workshop-cha...@icml.cc
the subject line "Affinity workshop: [name of workshop]." The deadline for
affinity workshop proposals is Feb 14, 2020 AOE. Decisions on acceptance
for affinity workshops will be made in a  committee appointed by the ICML
board (https://icml.cc/Conferences/2019/Board).

The goal of the workshops is to provide an informal forum for researchers
to discuss emerging research questions and challenges. Workshops will last
for one day, with morning and afternoon sessions and free time between the
sessions for individual exchange. To encourage workshop variety, all
workshops will be one-day workshops.

The workshops can be on any subject relevant to an appreciable fraction of
the ICML community. Schedules should encourage lively debates, and topics
should lean more towards exploring new ideas, open problems, and
 interdisciplinary areas, compared with the main conference. Workshops
should encourage contributed content and reserve a significant portion of
time for open discussion/panel discussion and posters. A diverse group of
speakers is more likely to bring diverse and surprising viewpoints on a
topic. As a result, we encourage workshop organizers to be cognizant of
designing panels and speaker lists that are inclusive.

Below, we include the criteria by which workshop submissions will be

   1. Fit for ICML (connections to rest of program and past workshops)
   2. Potential impact (promising topic)
   3. Novelty and originality (emerging topic)
   4. Quality of the abstract & clarity of purpose
   5. Confirmed invited speakers with sufficient coverage of the topic
   6. Organizers' relevant expertise (please avoid excessive
   7. Organizers & speakers diversity
   8. Room for contributed work (posters and contributed talks)
   9. Open discussion/panel

Submission Instructions

Workshops submissions will be made through easychair. Please follow the URL
below and check the required format for the application well before the
proposal deadline. You may submit and update your application online right
up until this deadline.

Important dates for workshop submissions:

   - Workshop Application Deadline: Feb 14, 2020 AOE
   - Workshop Notification: March 7, 2020, 11:59 p.m. pacific

* AOE = Anywhere On Earth

Interested parties must submit a proposal by Feb 14, 2020 AOE. Proposals
should be submitted electronically at the following URL:

(please use the same email address at easy chair and at ICML.cc)


ICML does not provide travel funding for workshop speakers. In the past,
some workshops have sought and received funding from external sources to
bring in outside speakers. The organizers of each accepted workshop can
name four individuals per day of the workshop to receive complimentary
workshop registrations.  In the event the conference sells out, each
workshop will be given a number of guaranteed registrations for the
workshop contributors, so please let us know in the application how many
registrations you anticipate you will need.

Proposals should be two pages long in single column A4 or letter format,
with font size 11 or greater, excluding organiser contact details/CVs and
bibliographic references.
Submission format

Proposals should clearly specify the following:

   - Workshop title
   - A brief description of the topics to be covered, and an explanation as
   to why the workshop will appeal to ICML audiences
   - A short description and rough timetable of the planned activities
   (talks, posters, panels)
   - List of invited speakers, specifying who is confirmed and who is
   - A description of the history of the workshop (if it previously took
   place then when/where)
   - Similar past and current events at ICML and NeurIPS in the last 1-2
   years, even if not organised by the present workshop organisers. New
   workshops are welcome to build on prior workshops, if a good case is made;
   completely original workshops are also welcome.
   - A list of organizers with email addresses, web page URLs, pointers to
   Google Scholar or other similar citation service pages, and a one-paragraph
   bio for each organizer, describing research expertise, and previous
   experience organizing scientific meetings.

ICML 2020 Workshop Chairs


Emtiyaz Khan (RIKEN)
Po-Ling Loh (University of Wisconsin)
uai mailing list

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