This early call-for-papers targets authors who may require extra time to
apply for a visa.

Early (visa-friendly) submission deadline: January 31, 2020.
Early (visa-friendly) notification deadline: February 28, 2020.

In the past years some authors were unable to present at NLP conferences
because they could not obtain a visa in time. Following WiNLP 2019, WiNLP
2020 is adding a visa-friendly submission deadline, to allow authors of
accepted papers 4-5 months to obtain a US visa if their passport is not
automatically entitled to one. If your passport allows you to receive a US
visa automatically in less than 2 months, please use the regular submission

Regular submission deadline: April 10, 2020
Regular notification date: May 8, 2020

Workshop date: July 5, 2020 (Sunday)

Workshop description

The fourth WiNLP (“Widening NLP”) Workshop
<> will be held in conjunction
with ACL 2020 in Seattle, WA, United States.
The WiNLP workshop is open to all to foster an inclusive and welcoming ACL
environment.  It aims to promote diversity and highlight the work of
underrepresented groups in NLP: anyone who self-identifies within an
underrepresented demographic [gender, ethnicity, nationality, etc]. The
2020 iteration of the workshop will, in particular, seek to highlight
diversity in scientific background, discipline, training, obtained degrees,
seniority, and communities from underrepresented languages. The full-day
event includes invited talks, oral presentations, and poster sessions. The
workshop provides an excellent opportunity for junior members in the
community to showcase their work and connect with senior mentors for
feedback and career advice.  It also offers recruitment opportunities with
leading industrial labs.  Most importantly,  the workshop will provide an
inclusive and accepting space, and work to lower structural barriers to
joining and collaborating with the NLP community at large.
While everyone is encouraged to attend, the opportunity to present a talk
or poster is intended for members of underrepresented groups at all career
levels: students, post-docs, professors, and other researchers. We invite
submissions in the form of an extended 2-page abstract on topics in
computational linguistics and natural language processing, including but
not limited to:

   - Cognitive modeling and psycholinguistics
   - Computational social science
   - Corpus development and evaluation
   - Dialog and interactive systems
   - Discourse and pragmatics
   - Document analysis including text categorization, topic models, and
   - Ethics in NLP
   - Natural language generation
   - Information extraction, text mining, and question answering
   - Language-inclusive multimodal integration
   - Linguistic theories for NLP
   - Low-resource or endangered languages
   - Machine learning
   - Machine translation
   - Mathematical models of language
   - Multilinguality
   - Phonology, morphology, and word segmentation
   - Resources and evaluation
   - Semantics
   - Sentiment analysis and opinion mining
   - Social media: Twitter, blogs, discussion forums, and other social media
   - Sociolinguistics
   - Speech, prosody, and spoken dialog
   - Summarization
   - Tagging, chunking, syntax, and parsing
   - Vision, robots, and other grounding applications

Submission guidelines
Submissions must follow the standard one-column format. Each submission
should be a two-page extended abstract PDF, with any number of additional
pages allowed for references (WiNLP/COLING proceedings format). No
appendices will be accepted.
Submissions should follow the same style and format guidelines (LaTeX
style files, Word
template) and be submitted electronically in PDF format via the WiNLP 2020
online submission system: [softconf link to be announced)]

Editing and Reviewing Procedure
One week prior to the submission deadline, authors will have the option to
peer-review each others’ abstracts in a non-anonymous format, in groups of
two or three authors. Authors taking this option commit to help their peers
edit and format their submissions, or revise for clarity, or provide
general feedback before the submission is reviewed. Authors may use the
feedback provided during this peer-editing period to update their
submissions in time for the submission deadline. As in WiNLP 2019, the
program committee may still provide reviews, feedback, and direct writing
mentorship for applicants, but the intent of peer-editing is to share this
responsibility with the participants so that it can scale with the size of
the workshop. Whether or not authors take advantage of this peer-review
option in advance of submission, all submissions are due on the deadline.

After the submission deadline, abstracts will be reviewed in the
traditional double-blind format. Abstracts will be evaluated on relevance
to the community; the presentation format (talk or poster) will be decided
based on scientific merit and potential interest to a broad audience.

Multiple-Submission Policy:
As we aim for improved and increased representation of underrepresented
minorities, we will consider anonymized two pages abstracts of papers that
have been submitted to other venues or have already been published
elsewhere since January 1, 2019. However, authors must clearly indicate
this at submission time.

Authors may not submit to both the regular and visa-friendly deadlines.

Travel support
There will be a limited amount of travel grants and/or additional funding
to cover expenses, similar to the 2018 and 2019 workshops. More information
will be made available closer to the submission deadline and linked from .

Contact information
Twitter: @winlpworkshop
Facebook: Widening NLP

WiNLP 2020 Organizers:
Rossana Cunha, Federal University of Minas Gerais.
Samira Shaikh, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Erika Varis, Walt Disney Studios.
Ryan Georgi, University of Washington.
Antonios Anastasopoulos, Carnegie Mellon University.
Khyathi Raghavi Chandu, Carnegie Mellon University.
Alicia Tsai, UC Berkeley.

Advisory Board:
Isabelle Augenstein, University of Copenhagen
Amittai Axelrod, University of Maryland
Libby Barak, Rutgers University
Daniel Beck, University of Melbourne
Chloe Braud, CNRS - LORIA
Hal Daumé, University of Maryland
Mourad Gridach, University of Colorado
Valia Kordoni, Humboldt University Berlin
Cisca Odalipo, Kampala International University
Martha Palmer, University of Colorado
Natalie Schluter, University of Copenhagen
Tiago Torrent, Federal University of Juiz de Fora
Aline Villavicencio, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, University of
Hanna Wallach, Microsoft Research
Zeerak Waseem, University of Sheffield
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