*Postdoc and Phd Positions in: Modelling beliefs dynamics of social media users 
with machine learning methodologies at University of Essex funded by  
VolkswagenStiftung (Volkswagen Foundation)*

Project: Courage

Applications are invited for a 4 years position of Senior Postdoctoral Research 
Officer and a PhD shcolarship on ht project “COURAGE: A Social Media Companion 
Safeguarding and Educating Students”. This project is an international 
collaboration funded by VolkswagenStiftung (Volkswagen Foundation) as part of 
the Artificial Intelligence and the Society of the Future funding initiative. 
The project partners include the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain), the Istituto 
per le Tecnologie Didattiche of the National Council of Research ITD-CNR 
(Italy), Hochschule Ruhr West (Germany) and the Rhine-Ruhr Institute for System 
Innovation (Germany).

The project aims to develop a Virtual Social Media Companion that educates and 
supports teenage school students facing the threats of social media such as 
discrimination and biases as well as hate speech, bullying, fake news and other 
toxic content. The project involves a substantial experimentation aspect in 
collaboration with multiple schools around Europe. It will thus provide a 
unique chance to perform interventions to test the validity of social 
interaction theories and governance methods.

The Essex team will drive two strands of this work, the machine-learning-based 
user modelling aspect and the process of analysing textual data drawing from 
our expertise in natural language processing (NLP). More specifically, we aim 
at developing Bayesian computational models of beliefs dynamics of social media 
users to support governance and educational strategies. These models will also 
be applied to evaluate socially relevant variables, such as trust and 
inclusion. We will build on and implement state-of-the-art NLP & AI methods to 
provide measurements of sentiment, bias, hatefulness, veracity, polarization, 
and sensationalism of social media content. In addition, we will drive forward 
the state of the art in detecting hate speech and biased content. The companion 
will actively counteract this kind of content, balancing it with opposite 
perspectives and proposing specifically themed challenges adopting ideas used 
in games.

The successful candidate will be based in the School of Computer Science and 
Electronic Engineering at Colchester Campus of The University of Essex.

The post is available for four years with a start date from September 2019.

To apply: 

For more information: 

Applicants are encouraged to contact Dr. Dimitri 
(dimitri.ognib...@essex.ac.uk<mailto:dimitri.ognib...@essex.ac.uk>)  for 
informal enquiries and further information on research objectives.

Dimitri Ognibene, PhD
Lecturer in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Department of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, 

Skype: dimitri.ognibene

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