[Algorithms] Special Issue on “Algorithms for Personalization Techniques
and Recommender Systems”
We are glad to announce the Special Issue dedicated to “Algorithms for
Personalization Techniques and Recommender Systems” in the journal
an EI-, ESCI-, and Scopus-indexed open access journal.

This Special Issue on “Algorithms for Personalization Techniques and
Recommender Systems” aims to form a reference point in this research area,
i.e., the models and algorithms for the (more generic) goal of
“personalization” and the (more specific) goal of “recommendations”. We
invite works that present their latest findings in the state-of-the-art of
the related theory and practice, and to contribute to the advancement of
this research area.


In particular, we would welcome original and unpublished submissions
related to the following topics:

   - Content-based filtering;
   - Trust and transparency;
   - Large scale recommendation;
   - Multi-stakeholder approaches;
   - Multisignal recommendations;
   - Cross-domain recommendations;
   - Sequential recommender systems;
   - Collaborative filtering techniques;
   - Side-information for recommendation;
   - Adaptive recommendation algorithms;
   - Visually-aware recommender systems;
   - Conversational recommender systems;
   - Algorithms for group recommendation;
   - Semantic-aware recommender systems;
   - Novel similarity-based recommendation;
   - Recommendation based on deep learning;
   - Recommender systems in social networks;
   - Active learning for recommender systems;
   - Transfer learning in recommender systems;
   - Cross-domain algorithms for recommendation;
   - Exploiting user cognition for recommendation;
   - Recommendation based on matrix factorization;
   - Recommendation based on audiovisual signals;
   - Explanations methods for recommender systems;
   - Generic recommendation models and algorithms;
   - Algorithms for using implicit and explicit preferences;
   - Ranking algorithms for personalization and adaptation;
   - Novelty, diversity, or serendipity in recommender systems;
   - Algorithms for context-aware recommender systems (CARS);
   - Scalability and performance measures in recommender systems;
   - Novel applications areas for recommender systems (health, and fashion);
   - Further relevant topics.

Further info can be found here:

The submission deadline is 30 November 2019.

We hope that this is of interest to you.

With kind regards,

Dr. Mehdi Elahi: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mehdielahi

Dr. Marko Tkalcic: http://markotkalcic.com/
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