*Call for Papers: ADT 2019  The International Research Group on Algorithmic
Decision Theory (CNRS/GDRI ALGODEC) in collaboration with the EURO working
group on preference handling is proud to announce:             ADT 2019,
the 6th International Conference on                      Algorithmic
Decision Theory*

*25--27 October 2019                                Duke University,
Durham, NC, USA*


*Important Dates: *
    *EXTENDED **** *

*Title and abstract submission: April 14, 2019     EXTENDED **** Full paper
submission: April 21, 2019      Notification: June 14, 2019  *    Final
version of accepted papers: June 21, 2019
    ADT 2019 Conference: October 25--27, 2019

The ADT 2019 conference focus is on algorithmic decision theory broadly
defined, seeking to bring together researchers and practitioners coming
from diverse areas of Computer Science, Economics and Operations Research
in order to improve the theory and practice of modern decision support.

The conference welcomes research in decision theory from the following


Argumentation Theory,

Artificial Intelligence,

Computational Social Choice,

Database Systems,

Decision Analysis,

Discrete Mathematics,

Game Theory,

Machine Learning,


Multi-agent Systems,

Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding,



Risk Management, and

Utility Theory.

ADT 2019 provides a multi-disciplinary forum for sharing knowledge in this
area with a special focus on algorithmic issues in Decision Theory,
continuing tradition of the first five International Conferences on
Algorithmic Decision Theory (ADT 2009 Venice, ADT 2011 Rutgers, ADT 2013
Brussels, ADT 2015 Lexington, ADT 2017 Luxembourg) which brought together
researchers and practitioners from diverse areas of computer science,
economics, and operations research from around the globe.

*Invited speakers:*

David Pennock, Microsoft Research

Ariel Procaccia, CMU

Francesca Rossi, IBM Research

*Tutorial  *

*Learning and Decision-Making from Rank Data*, Lirong Xia, RPI

*Submissions: *

*Submissions for proceedings:* Submissions are invited on significant,
original, and previously unpublished research on all aspects of Algorithmic
Decision Theory. Papers must be at most 15 pages long in the LNCS format
(including references). The formal proceedings of ADT 2017 will be
published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence (LNAI) series:  http://www.springer.com/lncs. Papers of this
type will be accepted for either oral or poster presentation, or both.
However, no distinction will be made between accepted papers in the
conference proceedings.

*Submissions without proceedings*: Submissions are invited on significant
recent results on Algorithmic Decision Theory. Papers must be at most 15
pages long (including references). They will not appear in the proceedings
and can be submitted elsewhere. Selected papers in this category will be
accepted for either oral or poster presentation, or both. Authors are
required to write "submission without proceedings" into the author field of
their paper (instead of author names) if they choose this category;
otherwise, it will be assumed by default that their paper is submitted in
the first  category (submissions for proceedings).

For both types of submission, authors should consult  Springer’s authors’
use their proceedings templates,  either for LaTeX
<ftp://ftp.springernature.com/cs-proceeding/llncs/llncs2e.zip> or for Word
for the preparation of their papers.  Note that at least one author of each
accepted paper is required to attend the conference to present the work.
Authors will be required to agree to this requirement at the time of
submission. For submission of Type 1 we note that Springer encourages

to include their ORCIDs <https://goo.gl/hbsa4D> in their papers. In
addition, the corresponding author of each accepted paper, acting on behalf
of all of the authors of that paper, will need to complete and sign a
Consent-to-Publish form, through which the copyright for their paper is
transferred to Springer.

All papers will be peer-reviewed by a double-blind procedure. Papers must
be submitted *anonymously* as pdf via the EasyChair system:

It is important and required that authors do not reveal their identities in
submitted papers.

*Program Committee:*

Ali Abbas, University of Southern California

Alessandro Arlotto , Duke University

Haris Aziz, Data61, CSIRO and UNSW

Sylvain Bouveret, LIG - Grenoble INP, Université Grenoble-Alpes

Robert Bredereck, TU Berlin

Katarina Cechlarova, PF UPJS Kosice

Edith Elkind, University of Oxford

Piotr Faliszewski, AGH University of Science and Technology

Judy Goldsmith, University of Kentucky

Umberto Grandi, University of Toulouse

Jérôme Lang CNRS, LAMSADE, Université Paris-Dauphine

Ali Makhdoumi, Duke University

Azarakhsh Malekian, University of Toronto

Nicholas Mattei, Tulane University

Sasa Pekec, Duke University

Hans Peters, Maastricht University

Maria Silvia Pini, University of Padova

Marc Pirlot, Université de Mons

Luca Rigotti, University of Pittsburgh

Fred Roberts, Rutgers University

Francesca Rossi, IBM

Jörg Rothe, Universität Düsseldorf

Alexis Tsoukias, CNRS - LAMSADE

Kristen Brent Venable, Tulane University and IHMC

Paolo Viappiani, CNRS and LIP6, Univ Pierre et Marie Curie

Toby Walsh, The University of New South Wales

Gerhard J. Woeginger, RWTH Aachen University

Stefan Woltran, Vienna University of Technology

Lirong Xia, RPI

Sasa Zorc, University of Virginia

*Organizing Committee:*
Vince Conitzer (Duke University, NC, USA)

Sasa Pekec (Duke University, NC, USA, Chair)

Alexis Tsoukiàs (LAMSADE, Université Paris-Dauphine, France)

K. Brent Venable (Tulane University and IHMC, USA)

*Conference Venue: *
ADT 2019 will be held at The Fuqua School, of Business at Duke University
in Durham, NC.


*Best regards, K. Brent Venable (Program Chair of ADT 2019)*

*Sasa Pekec (Program Co-Chair of ADT 2019) *
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