
                   Call for Papers: ACM RecSys 2019
                                to be held in
                  Copenhagen, Denmark, 16th-20th September 2019

Call for Papers

We invite you to contribute to the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender
Systems (RecSys 2019), the premier venue for research and applications
of recommendation technologies. The upcoming RecSys conference will be
held in Copenhagen, Denmark, from September 16th to September 20th,
2019. The conference will continue RecSys’ practice of connecting the
research and practitioner communities to exchange ideas, frame
problems, and share solutions. All accepted papers will be published
by ACM.
We invite submissions on all aspects of recommender systems, including
applications ranging from e-commerce to social networking, and a wide
variety of technologies ranging from collaborative filtering to
knowledge-based reasoning or deep learning. We welcome new research on
recommendation technologies coming from very diverse communities
ranging from psychology to mathematics. In particular, we care as much
about the underlying algorithms and systems as we care about the human
and economic impact of these systems.

Topics of interest for RecSys 2019 include but are not limited to
(alphabetically ordered):

        * Algorithm scalability, performance, and implementations
        * Bias, bubbles and ethics of recommender systems
        * Case studies of real-world implementations
        * Context-aware recommender systems
        * Conversational recommender systems
        * Cross-domain recommendation
        * Economic models and consequences of recommender systems
        * Evaluation metrics and studies
        * Explanations and evidence
        * Innovative/New applications
        * Interfaces for recommender systems
        * Novel machine learning approaches to recommendation algorithms
(deep learning, reinforcement learning, etc.)
        * Preference elicitation
        * Privacy and Security
        * Social recommenders
        * User modelling
        * Voice, VR, and other novel interaction paradigms

Authors will be asked to assign a selection of predefined custom tags
to describe their paper in the submission system. Tags can be assigned
to indicate algorithms, interfaces, automated or user-centric
evaluations, for example. Reviewers will also report their expertise
over these tags, and the information will be used in review


LONG PAPERS should report on substantial contributions of lasting
value. The maximum length is 8 pages (plus up to 1 page of
references). Each accepted long paper will be included in the
conference proceedings and presented in a plenary session as part of
the main conference program. Each accepted long paper will also be
allocated a presentation slot in a poster session to encourage
discussion and follow-up between authors and attendees. Selected long
papers will be considered as candidates for the ACM Europe Council
Best Paper Award. We expect the review process to be highly selective:
the acceptance rates for full papers in the past few years was about
SHORT PAPERS typically discuss exciting new work that is not yet
mature enough for a long paper. In particular, novel but significant
proposals will be considered for acceptance to this category despite
not having gone through sufficient experimental validation or lacking
strong theoretical foundation. Applications of recommender systems to
novel areas are especially welcome. The maximum length is 4 pages
(plus up to 1 page references). Each accepted short paper will be
included in the conference proceedings and presented in a poster
session. The poster presentation may include a system demonstration.
Selected short papers will be invited as oral presentations. Note that
rejected long paper submissions will not be considered as short


RecSys 2019 is a SIGCHI conference and making a submission to a SIGCHI
conference is a serious matter. Submissions require time and effort by
SIGCHI volunteers to organise and manage the reviewing process, and,
if the submission is accepted, the publication and presentation
process. Thus, anyone who submits to RecSys 2019 implicitly confirms
the following statements: I confirm that this submission is the work
of myself and my co-authors. I confirm that I or my co-authors hold
copyright to the content, and have obtained appropriate permissions
for any portions of the content that are copyrighted by others. I
confirm that any research reported in this submission involving human
subjects has gone through the appropriate approval process at my
institution. I confirm that if this paper is accepted, I or one of my
co-authors will attend the conference. Papers that are not presented
at the conference by an author may be removed from the proceedings at
the discretion of the program chairs.


All submissions and reviews will be handled electronically. RecSys
2019 submissions should be prepared according to the standard
double-column ACM SIG proceedings format. Additional information about
formatting and style files is available online. Papers must be
submitted by 23:59, AoE (Anywhere on Earth) on April 23rd, 2019. There
will be no extensions to the submission deadline. The peer review
process is double-blind (i.e. anonymised). This means that all
submissions must not include information identifying the authors or
their organisation. Specifically, do not include the authors’ names
and affiliations, anonymise citations to your previous work and avoid
providing any other information that would allow to identify the
authors, such as acknowledgments and funding. Submitted work should be
original. Simultaneous submissions to other conferences or journals is
explicitly prohibited by ACM policies. However, technical reports or
ArXiv disclosure prior to or simultaneous with RecSys submission, is
allowed, provided they are not peer-reviewed. Please refer to the ACM
Publication License Agreement for further details. Please take note
that the official publication date is the date the proceedings are
made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two
weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official
publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related
to published work.


        * Abstract submission deadline: April 15th, 2019
        * Paper submission deadline: April 23rd, 2019
        * Author notification: June 24th, 2019
        * Camera-ready version deadline: July 22nd, 2019
Deadlines refer to 23:59 (11:59pm) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.


        * Domonkos Tikk, Gravity R&D, Hungary
        * Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, USA

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