Dear colleagues,

This is a reminder that the extended deadline for submissions to the
PROBPROG 2018 Conference is on August 1, 2018. See for
more details.

Please feel free to advertise the PROBPROG 2018 conference in any venue it
has not yet been announced; below is the full announcement text.

With best wishes,

The PROBPROG 2018 Organizing Committee
(Jan-Willem van de Meent, Vikash Mansinghka, and Avi Pfeffer)

The First International Conference on Probabilistic Programming

# Dates and Location

Conference Dates: Fri 5 - Sat 6 Oct 2018
Conference Location: Boston, MA, USA
Submission Deadline: Wed Aug 1, 2018 11:59PM AOE

# Keynote Speakers

Intelligence track:
Stuart Russell (UC Berkeley)

Statistics and Data Analysis track:
Dave Blei (Columbia University)

Languages and Systems track:
Jean-Baptiste Tristan (Oracle Labs)

Practice of Probabilistic Programming track:
Zoubin Ghahramani (University of Cambridge & Uber AI Labs)

# Call for Submissions

Deadline: Wed Aug 1, 2018 11:59 PM AOE.
Submit at:

The PROBPROG conference is dedicated to both probabilistic programming
research and the practice of probabilistic programming. It welcomes
submissions for research presentations, demonstrations, open-source
systems, and participants in open discussions with industry. It includes
four tracks for invited and contributed presentations:

1. Probabilistic Programming and Intelligence.

2. Probabilistic Programming for Statistics and Data Analysis.

3. Probabilistic Programming Languages and Systems.

4. The Practice of Probabilistic Programming.

This first year, we are inviting submissions in the form of 2-page
abstracts. Submissions should not be anonymized and will be lightly
reviewed for technical correctness and topicality. Accepted submissions may
be included in poster sessions, demos, or talk sessions.

Abstracts should use the ACM SIGPLAN format linked here:

We are soliciting the following kinds of submissions:

- Original research in probabilistic programming, including research that
is under review.

- Highlights of already-published probabilistic programming research, that
could be of interest to the PROBPROG community, or would benefit from
PROBPROG feedback.

- Work that discusses the design and implementation of probabilistic
programming systems, or the application of probabilistic programs.

Community feedback at PROGPROG 2018 will inform the PROBPROG Steering
Committee's decisions around when to create a peer-reviewed probabilistic
programming journal and/or conference proceedings.

# Diversity

We are actively working to ensure that the PROBPROG conference is inclusive
in the broadest sense. In particular, we encourage contributions from
participants whose gender, sexual orientation, and/or ethnic identities are
underrepresented in the field.

We are at present in the process of drawing up a code of conduct. We
welcome feedback from the community on policies and measures that help
establish a venue that is welcoming to all participants. Please direct such
suggestions and comments to <>.

# Organizing Committee

Vikash Mansinghka (MIT)
Jan-Willem van de Meent (Northeastern University)
Avi Pfeffer (Charles River Analytics)
uai mailing list

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