The Complex Human Data Hub (CHDH) at the University of Melbourne is seeking a postdoctoral research associate to collaborate with Charles Kemp on the mathematical and computational study of human cognition. Applicants from Australia and elsewhere are both welcome. Start date is flexible and funding is available for up to three years.
This position is not tied to a particular project so the postdoc will play a key role in developing the research agenda. Some background in cognitive science is essential and researchers with an interest in computational approaches to language are especially encouraged. Representative topics include cross-linguistic semantics, cultural and linguistic evolution, categorization, learning, decision-making and inductive reasoning. Representative approaches include probabilistic modeling, information-theoretic analyses, and the analysis of large naturally occurring data sets (e.g. linguistic corpora, dictionaries, twitter posts, and image collections). We are looking for an excellent early career researcher with experience and interest in any subset of these topics and approaches. The principal supervisor for this position will be Charles Kemp. The postdoc will also have the chance to interact with Simon Dennis, Daniel Little, Amy Perfors and other members of the Complex Human Data Hub. Applications submitted before July 31 will receive full consideration, and applications after this date may also be considered. For more information please contact Charles Kemp at Formal applications should be submitted at al-research-fellow-in-cognitive-science
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