Call for Papers: Evidence & Decision Making in the Law
Theoretical, Computational and Empirical Approaches
ICAIL 2017 Workshop
June 16, 2017
King's College London

The workshop "Evidence & Decision Making in the Law: Theoretical,
Computational and Empirical Approaches" is held in conjunction with 2017
ICAIL and aims to foster an interdisciplinary debate on the interactions
between evidential reasoning establishing the facts and deliberative
decision making determining legal action. In the process, different values
must be balanced, in particular accuracy, fairness and efficiency.

We invite submissions that make progress in our understanding of the

(1) Modeling evidential reasoning and decision making at trial (e.g.
evidence weighing; conflict resolution; standards of proof and rules of

(2) Evidence-based decision making and the architecture of the trial system
(e.g. rules of admissibility; discovery procedures; adversary v.
inquisitorial models; rules of weight v. free proof); and

(3) The role and limitations of expected utility theory, and more generally
cost/benefit analysis, for evidence-based decision making.

We welcome contributions that address the topics above by applying
theoretical, computational and empirical approaches, broadly construed, to
the study of the law.

The workshop should be of interest to researchers in AI & Law working on
legal reasoning, argumentation theory, the interface between probability,
psychology and argumentation; legal scholars in evidence law, criminal and
civil procedure; the law & economics community; philosophers of law, legal
epistemologists, logicians and probability theorists; social scientists,
sociologists, economists and anthropologists with an interest in the law.

Important dates:
Deadline for abstract submission: April 15
Accept/reject notification: April 25

Abstracts should be at least 300 words and no more than 500 words
Abstracts should be submitted in PDF format
Authors should send abstracts to marcello.dibello at lehman.cuny.edu

Workshop organizers:
Marcello Di Bello, Lehman College - City University of New York
Bart Verheij, University of Groningen

Please send inquiries to marcello.dibello AT lehman.cuny.edu
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