Dear all,
we have open postdoc and PhD positions within the research project
"Causal inference with incomplete data".
The project is run by Niels Richard Hansen, Steffen Lauritzen and Jonas
Peters and funded by VILLUM FONDEN, see
for more information (deadline: Dec 11th).
We expect applicants to have a background either in mathematics (e.g.
statistics, probability theory, etc.) or machine learning. Successful
candidates will be based at the Department for Mathematical Sciences at
the University of Copenhagen but there are close links to other
departments (e.g. the Department for Computer Science).
Depending on seniority, the salary
- for postdocs amounts to 32.000-33.791 DKK/month (app. EUR 4.266-4.500)
- and for PhDs amounts to 25.000 DKK/month (app. EUR 3.350).
In both cases there are additional 17.1% pension contribution.
Besides: Copenhagen is a beautiful and lively city.
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Jonas Peters
Associate Professor in Statistics
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 5, 2100 Copenhagen O, Denmark
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