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                             CALL FOR PAPERS
 The Fifth International Symposium on INTEGRATED UNCERTAINTY in KNOWLEDGE


-The International Symposium on Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge
 and Decision Making (IUKM) aims to provide a forum for exchanges of
research results, ideas for and experience of application among researchers
 practitioners involved with all aspects of uncertainty management and

 Previous symposia have been successfully held in Ishikawa, Japan (IUM 2010
- AISC 68), Hangzhou, China (IUKM 2011 - LNAI 7027), Beijing, China (IUKM
 2013 - LNAI 8032) and Nha Trang, Vietnam (IUKM 2015 - LNAI 9376). The fifth
IUKM (2016) will take place in the central coastal city of Da Nang, Vietnam,
during November 30 - December 2, 2016.

Da Nang is located on the Eastern Sea coast, midway between Hanoi and Ho Chi
Minh City and is the largest city of Central Vietnam. It is also in close
proximity to several UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the Imperial
City of Hue, the Old Town of Hoi An , and the archaeological site of My Son.
Proposal for special sessions and workshops is encouraged and welcome.
 Relevant topics for the IUKM 2016 Symposium include, but are not limited
 the following:
 + Theory and Methodology
 - Uncertainty formalisms: Bayesian probability, Dempster-Shafer theory,
 imprecise probability, random sets, rough sets, fuzzy sets and
 interval-based models
 -  Modelling uncertainty and inconsistency in big data
 - Logics for reasoning under uncertainty
 - Information fusion and knowledge integration in uncertain environments
 - Decision making under various types of uncertainty
 - Aggregation operators
 - Copulas for dependence modelling
 - Granular and soft computing
 - Computational intelligence

+ Application
 - Data mining and knowledge discovery
 - Ontology engineering and Semantic Web
 - Intelligent data analysis and modelling
 - Agents and argumentation
 - Natural language processing
 - Medical informatics and bioinformatics
 - Ranking and recommendation systems
 - Big data and cloud computing
 - Social network analysis and mining
 - Sensor fusion
 - System identification and modelling
 - Diagnosis and reliability
 - Decision support systems
 - Kansei/affective engineering 
 - Service computing
 - Engineering management
 - Supply chain management
 - Environmental management
 - Economics and econometrics

 The authors are invited to submit their full papers by  June 20, 2016
 (extended deadline). The submissions will be peer-reviewed for originality
 and scientific quality. As done in previous editions, the proceedings of
 IUKM 2016 will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in
 Artificial Intelligence series, and be available at the Symposium. Authors
 are requested to prepare their papers in the Springer LNAI format.
 Submissions should not exceed 12 pages and must be submitted electronically
 through the conference's Easychair submission page

 Deadline for paper submission:                          20 June 2016
 Notification of acceptance/rejection:                25 August 2016
 Final camera-ready and author registration:   15 September 2016
 Early registration:                                               10
October 2016
 Symposium dates:                                              30 November -
2 December 2016

Honorary Co-Chairs
 Michio Sugeno (European Center for Soft Computing, Spain)
 Hung T. Nguyen (New Mexico State University, USA; Chiang Mai University,
 Cong-Co Le (Duy Tan University, Da Nang, Vietnam)

General Co-Chairs
Nguyen-Bao Le (Duy Tan University, Da Nang, Vietnam)
Thierry Denoeux (University of Technology of Compiègne, France) 

Program Co-Chairs
Van-Nam Huynh (JAIST, Japan)
Masahiro Inuiguchi (University of Osaka, Japan)
Bac Le (University of Science, VNU-Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam)

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