--- Apologies for multiple postings ---

* Extended deadline: January 22*

Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite you to participate to the special session

*Graded and Many-Valued Modal Logics*

that we will organize at the IPMU 2016 Conference (Eindhoven, The
Netherlands, June 20-24),  http://is.ieis.tue.nl/ipmu/index.htm.

Could you please send this call for contributions to potentially interested
authors you may know?

>   Call   <

Graded and many-valued modal logics aim to increase the expressive power of
classical modal logics by adding the possibility to use degrees in the
definition of the validity relation in the semantic side. For instance,
these degrees can be interpreted as truth values or as weights that can be
used in a Kripke frame to modify the way successors of a state are taken
into account in order to define truth of modal formulas.

The goal of this special session is to allow researchers to discuss their
latest results in the topic of graded and many-valued modal logics,
including its theoretical aspects (axiomatization, characterization of
expressive power, complexity...) and its applications in knowledge
representation, decision theory, multi-agent systems...

>   Important dates   <

New submission deadline: *January 22*
Notification of acceptance: March 1
Conference: June 20-24

>   Submissions   <

The proceedings of IPMU-2016 will be published in Communications in
Computer and Information Science (CCIS) with Springer. Papers can be up to
12 pages long following the formatting instructions of the conference (see
http://is.ieis.tue.nl/ipmu/authors.htm#instructions). Submission procedure
through EasyChair is also described in that link-

Best regards,

Lluis Godo, IIIA-CSIC, Barcelona, <g...@iiia.csic.es>g...@iiia.csic.es
Bruno Teheux, University of Luxembourg, <bruno.teh...@uni.lu>
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