
 ECMLPKDD 2016 Conference Track Call for Papers



Important dates

   - Abstract submission deadline: *Friday, April 1, 2016*
   - Paper submission deadline: *Monday, April 4, 2016*
   - Author notification: *Monday, June 20, 2016*
   - Camera ready submission:* Friday, July 1, 2016*

Submissions are solicited for the 2016 edition of the European Conference
on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in
Databases (ECMLPKDD). The conference provides an international forum for
the discussion of the latest high-quality research results in all areas
related to machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases and other
innovative application domains. The 2016 conference will take place in Riva
Del Garda, Italy, September 19-23. This edition will feature a full day of
plenary presentations, for papers of general interest to the whole
community, and two days of parallel sessions. All papers will be presented
both orally and as posters. Papers on all topics related to machine
learning, knowledge discovery, and data mining are invited.

Submission process

Electronic submissions will be handled via CMT at the following address:
https://cmt2.research.microsoft.com/ECMLPKDD2016/. Please note that user
accounts in each CMT conference is independent of other conferences so you
will need to create a new account.

Abstracts need to be registered by Friday April 1, 2016, 23:59 Central
European Time, and full submissions will be accepted until Monday April 4,
2016, 23:59 Central European Time.

Papers must be written in English and formatted according to the Springer
LNAI guidelines. Author instructions, style files and copyright form can be
downloaded at: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html.

The maximum length of papers is 16 pages in this format. Overlength papers
will be rejected without review (papers with smaller page margins and font
sizes than specified in the author instructions and set in the style files
will also be treated as overlength).

Up to 10 MB of additional materials (e.g. proofs, audio, images, video,
data or source code) can be attached to the submission. Note that the
reviewers and the program committee reserve the right to judge the paper
solely on the basis of the 16 pages of the paper; looking at any additional
material is up to the discretion of the reviewers and is not required.

Reviewing process

The review process is single-blind (authors identities known to reviewers).
Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of technical quality, novelty,
potential impact, and clarity. Authors will have the opportunity to point
out factual errors, obvious mistakes, or misconceptions by reviewers during
a rebuttal phase following the release of initial reviews.

Dual submissions policy

Papers submitted should report original work. ECML PKDD 2016 will not
accept any paper that, at the time of submission, is under review or has
already been accepted for publication in a journal or another conference.
Authors are also expected not to submit their papers elsewhere during the
review period. The dual submissions policy applies during the whole
ECMLPKDD 2016 reviewing period from April 1 to June 20, 2016.

Reproducible research papers

Authors are encouraged to adhere to the best practices of Reproducible
Research (RR), by making available data and software tools for reproducing
the results reported in their papers. Authors of accepted papers may flag
their submissions as RR and make software and data accessible to reviewers
and to the program committee who will verify the accessibility of software
and data. Links to data and code will be then inserted in the final version
of RR papers. For the sake of persistence and proper authorship
attribution, we require the use of standard repository hosting services
such as Dataverse, mldata.org, OpenML, etc. for data sets, and mloss.org,
Bitbucket, GitHub, etc. for source code. If data or code gets updated after
the paper is published, it is important to enable researchers to access the
versions that were used to produce the results reported in the paper.


The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence series (LNAI). There will be no difference
in the proceedings between papers presented in parallel sessions and papers
presented during the plenary day.

In addition to normal conference submissions, papers can be submitted to
the ECMLPKDD 2016 journal track. Accepted papers will be presented at the
conference and published either in Machine Learning or in Data Mining and
Knowledge Discovery. For information about the journal track, please see
the separate Journal Track call for papers.

For any additional questions you can contact the Program Chairs (Paolo
Frasconi, Niels Landwehr, Giuseppe Manco, Jilles Vreeken) at
uai mailing list

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