>From 2nd to 5th of September 2015, the TU Dortmund University and
LIAAD-INESC TEC will organize a Summer School on Data Sciences for Big Data
- Resource Aware Data Mining. 

The School will be hosted at Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto and is
collocated with   <http://ecmlpkdd2015.org/> ECMLPKDD 2015 - European
Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge
Discovery in Databases (http://www.ecmlpkdd2015.org/).


For the summer school, world leading researchers in machine learning and
data mining will give lectures on recent techniques dealing with huge
amounts of data, spatio-temporal streaming data, distributed and graph data,
sensors  and embedded systems. The summer school is designed for Master and
PhD students, and professionals who wanted to learn cutting edge techniques
for data mining with constrained computational resources.

For further details go to:


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