==================================================================== [Apologies for cross-posting]
NEWS/UPDATES: - The workshop is non-archival! Papers already submitted to/accepted at other venues are welcome! - All accepted papers can be presented as posters at the main ICAPS conference. ==================================================================== *** WORKSHOP ANNOUNCEMENT *** **SUBMISSION DEADLINE: MARCH 7, 2014** CALL FOR PAPERS 1st ICAPS Workshop on Models and Paradigms for Planning Under Uncertainty Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA, June 22-23, 2014 ==================================================================== Great strides have been made in automated AI planning under uncertainty in recent years, including symbolic and compact representations of planning problems and very efficient techniques for solving them. The effectiveness of these methods has been demonstrated in the past International Planning Competitions, and, to some extent, in real-world applications such as navigation tasks, space operations, railway control, and rescue/evacuation tasks. However, there are several remaining challenges for developing uncertainty models for the planning systems. When deployed in the real world, these systems often face a constantly changing environment, whose evolution is not deterministic. In addition to the environmental dynamics, planning systems must also deal with the partial knowledge about their surroundings, their models of the environment, and their goals in that environment. Addressing all these aspects successfully may require a range of modeling tools from precise and imprecise probabilities to fuzzy and possibilistic logic. The aim of this workshop is to discuss various models and paradigms for planning under uncertainty in a broad sense, including but also going beyond the traditional probabilistic planning paradigms. Relevant topics include but are not limited to: • probabilistic or possibilistic (partially observable) Markov Decision Processes • non-probabilistic uncertainty models for planning and algorithms • conformant planning • imprecise probability models and planning • fuzzy and possibilistic logic • planning/replanning with deterministic planners • determinization-based approaches • modeling imperfect actuators and/or sensors and controller synthesis • belief-desire-intention (BDI) models, Dempster-Shafer theory • default reasoning and belief revision models • qualitative uncertainty models (e.g., Qualitative-Process (QP) theory, qualitative probability models) • learning uncertainty models for planning ================== Submission Procedure: ================== Paper submissions are accepted in PDF only. Please format submissions in AAAI style. Refer to the author instructions on the AAAI web site for detailed formatting instructions and LaTeX style files. Papers can be submitted in one of two categories: • Full papers: 8+1 pages long (i.e., 8 pages of content and 1 extra page only for references) • Short papers: 4+1 pages long Papers must be submitted by March 7th, 2014. All ICAPS deadlines refer to 23:59 in the UTC-12 time zone (i.e., if the deadline has not yet passed at some place in the world, you are on time.) Paper submissions should be made through the workshop EasyChair web site https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mppu14. ============= Important Dates: ============= • Papers Submission: March 7th, 2014 • Notifications of acceptance: March 20th, 2014 • Camera-Ready Paper Submissions: March 28th, 2014 • Workshop Date: June 22nd or 23rd, 2014 ========= Organizers: ========= • Andrey Kolobov (MSR Redmond, USA) • Ugur Kuter (SIFT, USA) • Florent Teichteil-Königsbuch (ONERA, France) ================ Program Committee: ================ • Alexandre Albore (ONERA, France) • Dan Bryce (SIFT, USA) • Jürgen Dix (Technical University of Clausthal, Germany) • Malik Ghallab (LAAS-CNRS, France) • Andrey Kolobov (MSR Redmond, USA) • Ugur Kuter (SIFT, USA) • Steven Schockaert (Cardiff University, UK) • Guy Shani (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel) • Florent Teichteil-Königsbuch (ONERA, France) • Paolo Traverso (FBK-ICT, Italy) Dr. Ugur Kuter Research Scientist SIFT — Smart Information Flow Technologies
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