Important reminder: paper deadline - Monday, Feb. 3, 2014, 24:00 Hawaii

======================== CALL FOR PAPERS =====================

UMAP2014: 22nd Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
7-11 July 2014, Aalborg, Denmark


UMAP is the premier international conference for researchers and
practitioners working on systems that adapt to their individual users, or
to groups of users, and collect and represent information about users for
this purpose. UMAP is the successor to the biennial User Modeling (UM) and
Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-based Systems (AH) conferences that
were merged in 2009. It is organized under the auspices of User Modeling

UMAP covers a wide variety of research areas where adaptation may be
applied. This include (but is in no way limited to) a number of domains in
which researchers are enabling significant innovations based on advances in
user modeling and adaptation: Intelligent tutoring systems and intelligent
learning environments; Recommender systems; eCommerce; Advertising; Credit
checking; Digital humanities; eGovernment; Cultural heritage; Personalized
health; and more.

UMAP2014 will explore, study and shape a broad range of dimensions faced by
modern user adaptive systems, covering the following Key Areas chaired by
leading researchers:

UMAP in the social era [area chairs: Kalina Bontcheva & Werner Geyer]
- Modeling individuals, groups and communities
- Social network analysis
- Social recommenders
- Social learning and learning support
- Collaboration support
- Social workforce & social organizations
- Heterogeneous networks
- Folksonomies
- Social navigation
- Crowdsourcing
- Engagement, influence & sustainability

UMAP in the era of big data [area chairs: Bamshad Mobasher & Wolfgang Nejdl]
- Web dynamics and personalization
- Large scale personalization, adaptation and recommendation
- Personalization for individuals, groups and populations
- Web tracking and personalization
- Linked Data and personalization
- Complex decision making
- Adaptive information visualization

UMAP in the era of pervasive computing [area chair: Keith Cheverst]
- Ongoing continuous modeling
- Lifewide modelling
- Context-awareness
- Sensor networks
- Handheld and mobile devices
- Physiological signals
- Natural interaction (speech, language, gestures)

Infrastructures, architectures, and methodologies [area chairs: Bob
Kummerfeld & Owen Conlan]
- Non-standard database representations (networks, graphs)
- Standards, specifications
- Interoperability, semantics
- Evolution, temporal aspects
- Evaluation methodologies and metrics
- Adaptive hypermedia systems
- Adaptive Web-based systems

Human factors and Models [area chairs: Elisabeth Andre & Cristina Conati]
- Behavior change and persuasion
- Affective aspects
- User experience
- UMAP underpinning by Sociology models
- UMAP underpinning by Psychology models
- UMAP and Anthropology theories
- UMAP and Economics models

Personal and Societal issues [area chairs: Kaska Porayska-Pomsta & Alfred
- User awareness and control
- Privacy, perceived security and trust
- Special needs
- Lifelong learning and support
- Therapy
- Personality
- Cultural variations

UMAP2014 will include high quality peer-reviewed papers related to the
above key areas and organised in two main tracks - Experience Track and
Research Track. Maintaining the high quality and impact of the UMAP series,
each paper will have three reviews by program committee members and a
meta-review presenting the reviewers' consensual view; the review process
will be coordinated by the program chairs in collaboration with the
corresponding area chairs.

Peer reviewed papers showcasing innovative use of User Modeling, Adaptation
and Personalisation, exploring the benefits and challenges of applying user
modeling techniques and adaptation technology in real-life applications and
contexts. Papers will be assessed based on the novelty of the application,
the potential impact from the utilization of user modeling and adaptation
technologies in the specific case, and the usefulness of the presented
experience for extending the UMAP research and application.
- Long experience papers (12 pages): Long experience papers should present
substantive 'in-use' case for UMAP research. They should place the work
within the field, clearly indicate the novelty of the application, and
present the impact and significance of the experience to advance the UMAP
research and application.
- Short experience papers (6 pages): Short experience papers should present
an original and highly promising application of user modeling and
adaptation technologies, whose merit will be assessed in terms of
originality and importance rather than maturity and extensive user

Peer reviewed, original, and principled research papers addressing both the
theory and practice of User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization.
Papers will be assessed based on the originality and significance of the
presented contribution to the research field, as well as their technical
soundness and overall readability.
- Long research papers (12 pages): Long research papers should present
original reports of substantive new research. They should place the work
within the field, and clearly indicate its innovative aspects and its
- Short research papers (6 pages): Short research papers should present
original and highly promising research, whose merit will be assessed in
terms of originality and importance rather than maturity and technical

Papers must be formatted according to Springer's LNCS style guidelines ( and not
exceed the page length, as specified above. The long and short paper
categories will be strictly kept apart in the submission and review
Accepted papers will be distributed to conference attendees, and also
published by Springer in both online and printed conference proceedings. At
least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference
and present the paper there.

Paper submission: 3rd February 2014 (abstract due 27th January)
Notification to authors: 24th March 2014
Camera ready submission: 14th April 2014
Note the dates apply to both experience and research track papers. The
submissions times are 11:59pm Hawaii time.

Elizabeth Churchill (eBay Research Labs)
Kaj Grønbæk (University of Aarhus)
Gregory D. Abowd (Georgia Tech)
More information at

Program Chairs: Vania Dimitrova and Tsvi Kuflik
General Chairs: Peter Dolog and Geert-Jan Houben


Dr. Ben Steichen
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Department of Computer Science
University of British Columbia
2366 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC
V6T14Z, Canada
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