We apologize for duplicate postings. Please note the extended deadline.

                           FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS
                                 The 9th Workshop on
Multiagent Sequential Decision Making Under Uncertainty (MSDM)
                            (to be held at AAMAS 2014)

May 5-6, 2014
Paris, France

Important Dates
February 5,  2014 - Paper submission deadline (EXTENDED)
March 1, 2014 - Author notification
March 14, 2014 - Camera-ready submission due
March 25, 2014 - Early registration
May 6-7, 2014 - Workshop dates

The MSDM workshop focuses on principled sequential decision-making methods,
and applications, to systems of multiple agents. Several multiagent models
have emerged for cooperative agents (e.g., MMDP, Dec-POMDP) as well as for
self-interested agents (e.g., I-POMDP, POSG), under various assumptions
about agents' capabilities to communicate, observe, and influence other
agents. The high complexity associated with such models has prompted
development of planning and learning techniques that (1) exploit structure
in agents' interactions and the problem, (2) find exact and more efficient
approximate solutions, and (3) decentralize and distribute computation.
Through a tutorial, presentations by authors and distinguished invitees,
and discussions, we aim to facilitate collaboration among researchers and
practitioners toward advancing MSDM theory and application.

Multiagent sequential decision making comprises (1) problem representation,
(2) planning, (3) coordination, and (4) learning, in self-interested as
well as cooperative agent systems. The MSDM workshop addresses this full
range of aspects. Topics of particular interest include:
* Fundamental modeling challenges (e.g., model specification and model
* Novel representations, algorithms and complexity results
* Comparisons of algorithms
* Relationships between models and their assumptions
* Decentralized vs. centralized planning approaches
* Online vs. offline planning
* Communication and coordination during execution
* Computational issues involving long decision horizons and large number of
agents, states, observations and actions
* (Reinforcement) learning in partially observable multiagent systems
* Cooperative, competitive, and self-interested agents
* Application domains
* Benchmarks and evaluation methodologies
* Standardization of software
* High-level principles in MSDM: past trends and future directions

Please refer to the workshop website (http://masplan.org/msdm2014) for more

Submission Instructions
Authors are encouraged to submit papers up to 8 pages in length, as per the
instructions posted on:

The proceedings of the MSDM workshop are not archival. In addition to
original papers, we also encourage papers that are currently under
submission or recently published elsewhere.

Organizing Committee
Prashant Doshi, University of Georgia
Stefan J. Witwicki, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Brenda M. Ng, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Jilles S. Dibangoye, INRIA
Eric Shieh, University of Southern California
Joao V. Messias, Instituto Superior Tecnico
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