                            CALL FOR PAPERS
                     Eighth IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on
         Autonomic and Opportunistic Communications (AOC 2014)
                   June 16, 2014 - Sydney, Australia
             Fast Track on Computer Communication Journal
            **** Submission Deadline --- March 7, 2014 ****

The recent proliferation of sensor-rich portable devices is enabling
novel communication paradigms for users and contributing to the
implementation of the ubiquitous computing and networking vision.
Opportunistic networking represents a key communication paradigm for
this vision. Either as a standalone communication mode or as a
complement to infrastructure-based communication, opportunistic
networking leverages the mobility of end users to enhance their ability
to communicate in the absence of reliable end-to-end connectivity.
Opportunistic networking opens up many possibilities but also poses
countless new challenges.  The goal of the AOC 2014 workshop is to serve
as a forum for researchers, professionals, application developers, and
other experts from both academia and industry to exchange new ideas,
discuss new solutions, and share their experiences. As with previous
editions, this year's workshop is particularly interested in novel
research directions, such as service composition techniques,
co-existence with infrastructure networks, and insights from game
theory, social networking analysis, and cognitive psychology. The
workshop will solicit original papers addressing theoretical and
practical aspects of autonomic and opportunistic communications as well
as papers describing prototype implementations and deployments.

Topics of interest for AOC 2014 include, but are not limited to:
* Routing, transport, and reliability issues
* Techniques for data dissemination and replication
* Applications and middleware support, mobile social networking
* Mobility models and statistical analysis of mobility traces
* Context and social awareness mechanisms and algorithms
* Co-existence of opportunistic networks with infrastructure mobile
   wireless networks
* Service composition in autonomic and opportunistic networks
* Cognition-driven information processing and decision making
* Performance modelling, scaling laws, and fundamental limits for
   autonomic and opportunistic communications
* Game-theoretical insights to the operation of autonomic and
   opportunistic networks
* Participatory and urban sensing in autonomic and opportunistic
* Trust, security, and reputation
* Autonomic and opportunistic communication testbeds and prototypes,
   measurement data from real experiments
* Socio-economic models for autonomic and opportunistic communications
* Mobile Social networks


Papers should neither have been published elsewhere nor being currently
under review by another conference or journal. Manuscripts are limited
to 6 pages, single spacing, double column, and must strictly adhere to
the template format.

Accepted papers will appear in the symposium proceedings published by
IEEE. There will be no separate workshop registration, as one single
registration will cover both conference and workshops participation. At
least one author of each accepted

paper is required and present his/her work at the workshop.  We will use
a free submission system for processing the submissions and reviews.
Extended versions of the selected workshop papers will be considered for
possible fast track publication on the Computer Communications Journal


* Full papers due:      March 7, 2014
* Notification:         April 15, 2014
* Workshop:             June 16, 2014


Workshop Chairs
* Mohan Kumar,          Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
* Peizhao Hu,           NICTA, Australia

Steering Committee
* Marco Conti,          IIT-CNR, Italy
* Silvia Giordano,      SUPSI, Switzerland
* Ioannis Stavrakakis,  University of Athens, Greece

Publicity Chair
* Olivier Mehani,       NICTA, Australia
* Davide Mascitti,      IIT-CNR, Italy

* Christoph Dwertmann,  NICTA, Australia

Program Committee (tentative)

* Nils Aschenbruck      University of Osnabruck, Germany
* Chiara Boldrini       IIT-CNR, Italy
* Eleonora Borgia       IIT-CNR, Italy
* Vania Conan           Thales, France
* Serge Fdida           UPMC, Paris VI, France
* Laura Galluccio       University of Catania, Italy
* Tristan Henderson     University of St. Andrews, UK
* Kyunghan Lee          North Carolina State University, USA
* Franck Legendre       ETH Zurich, Switzerland
* Daniele Miorandi      Create-net, Italy
* Refik Molva           Eurecom, France
* Valtteri Niemi        Nokia, Switzerland
* Katia Obraczka        University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
* Konstantinos Oikonomou Ionian University, Greece
* Joerg Ott             HUT, Finland
* Elena Pagani          Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
* Andrea Passarella     IIT-CNR, Italy
* Daniele Puccinelli    SUPSI, Switzerland
* Christian Rohner      Uppsala University, Sweden
* Abdullatif Shikfa     Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs, France
* Weisheng Si           University of Western Sydney, Australia
* Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos EURECOM, France
* Roger Whitaker        Cardiff University, UK
* Hongyi Wu             University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
* Eiko Yoneki           University of Cambridge, UK
* Franco Zambonelli     University of Modena-Reggio, Italy
* Sebastian Zander      Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
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