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Call for Papers
IPMU 2014 - Montpellier, France
July 15-19, 2014
Special Session on: Formal Methods for Vagueness and Uncertainty in a
Many-Valued Realm
Organizers: Francesc Esteva; Tommaso Flaminio; Brunella Gerla.
Publication: The proceedings of IPMU-2014 will be published in Communications
in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) with Springer. Papers must be
prepared in the LNCS/CCIS one-column page format
Extended Deadline to submit papers is December 31, 2013
The study of logical, algebraic, proof theoretical tools for the management of
vagueness and uncertainty is a well-established line of research, whose
development has significantly influenced many areas of applied research, from
Economics and Game Theory, to Artificial Intelligence. This special session
Formal Methods for Vagueness and Uncertainty in a Many-Valued Realm,
aims at collecting papers about formal approaches to the theories of vagueness,
un- certainty and imprecise information management that can be treated in the
realm of many-valued logics. In fact, in several real-world situations, we need
to evaluate the degree of uncertainty, or to estimate the feasibility of a
sentence (or a class of sentences) that cannot be exactly regarded as
completely true or false, without a sensible lack of precision. Many-valued
logics, fuzzy logics, and their algebraic semantics represent, among others,
the formal tools to deal with vague and imprecise phenomena, whose truth comes
in degrees. Theories of uncertainty built over those logico-algebraic
structures that model many-valued events are adequate tools for modeling those
situations in which a quantitative evaluation of the combination of uncertainty
and imprecision is needed.
This special session will focus on (but will not be limited to) the following
(1) Algebraic and game-theoretical semantics for many-valued logics;
(2) Topological and categorical methods in many-valued logics;
(3) Uncertainty measures on many-valued events (in particular, states,
conditional states, Demspter-Shafer belief functions, possibility and necessity
(4) Betting-protocols for uncertainty measures on many-valued events;
(5) Philosophical foundations for vagueness and uncertainty on many-valued
Special session papers will be handled in the same way as regular papers. In
particular, they will be
peer-reviewed by the conference program committee on the basis of the same
criteria, and the final
decision of acceptance or rejection will be made by the conference chairs.
The length of papers is at most 10 pages in Springer LNCS format. Informations
about submission are
available at:
When submitting the paper through the EasyChair conference management
system, you will have to explicitly indicate that your contribution is for this
special session (notice that
Special Session are called "groups" in the submission systems).
Please feel free to extend this invitation to colleagues of yours that might be
interested as well.
We also remind that the EUSFLAT Society will offer grants of 300 euro each to
support students for attending the IPMU 2014 Conference.
Best Regards,
Francesc Esteva
Tommaso Flaminio
Brunella Gerla
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