NAG 2014: Call for papers
Norms Actions Games
King's College London, London (April, 1-2 2014)
In strategic interaction, where multiple agents pursue personal
objectives, conflict is bound to arise, as the actions of the individual
agents have an effect on the welfare of the others. In such situations
the need arises for the explicit regulation of individual and collective
behaviour which has traditionally followed two alternative approaches,
well-known in the economics literature: the spontaneous order approach,
which studies how norms result from endogenous agreements among rational
individuals, and the mechanism design approach, which studies how norms
are exogenously designed in order to reach desirable properties.
The present workshop is motivated by the conviction that the two
paradigms to understand norms in strategic interaction are by no means
incompatible and can be effectively used together for regulative
purposes. The aim of the symposium is to gather researchers looking at
norms in strategic interaction from different perspectives, i.e.
philosophy, computer science, game theory, logic, fostering discussion
and interdisciplinary collaboration. Researchers will be given the
opportunity of presenting their work in a stimulating environment,
without novelty constraints on their contribution.
The workshop will encourage submissions in (but will not be limited to)
the following areas:
Normative multi-agent systems
Norms in experimental game theory
Theories of agency and responsibility
Action formalisms
Theories of collective responsibility and norms
Theories of contracts
Bargaining and negotiation
Coalition formation
Norms and preferences
Theories of compliance
Norm emergence and simulation
Norm change
Deontic logic
The workshop is sponsored by SINTELNET, the European Network for Social
Intelligence, and NIBS, the ESRC Network for Integrated Behavioural Science.
Jan Broersen
(Department of Information and Computing Science, Utrecht University)
Alex Possajennikov
(School of Economics, University of Nottingham)
Paolo Turrini
(Department of Computing, Imperial College London)
Cristina Bicchieri
(Department of Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania)
Urs Fischbacher
(Thurgau Institute of Economics, University of Konstanz)
Martin van Hees
(Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Amsterdam)
Marek Sergot
(Department of Computing, Imperial College London)
Kai Spiekermann
(Department of Government, London School of Economics)
Jorgen Weibull
(Department of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics)
Michael Wooldridge
(Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford)
We welcome contributions on the conference topics from all relevant
disciplines, with special emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches. The
deadline for submission is January 30, 2014, and we will accept short
papers/extended abstract (max 3000 words). Pdf files should be submitted
through EasyChair via the
January 30, 2014 Submission of short papers to the conference (max. 3000
February 28, 2014 Notification of acceptance
April 1-2, 2014 Workshop in London
Thomas Agotnes (University of Bergen)
Uwe Aickelin (University of Nottingham)
Natasha Alechina (University of Nottingham)
Jason M. Alexander (London School of Economics)
Giulia Andrighetto (Italian National Research Council)
Tina Balke (University of Surrey)
Cristina Bicchieri (University of Pennsylvania)
Guido Boella (University of Torino)
Jordi Brandts (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
Jan Broersen (Utrecht University)
Fabrizio Cariani (University of California Berkeley)
Cristiano Castelfranchi (Italian National Resarch Council)
Alex Chavez (University of Michigan)
Rosaria Conte (Italian National Resarch Council)
Robert Craven (Imperial College London)
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci (University of Amsterdam)
Mehdi Dastani (Utrecht University)
Edith Elkind (University of Oxford)
Enrique Fatas (University of East Anglia)
Urs Fischbacher (University of Konstanz)
Simon Gaechter (University of Nottingham)
John Gathergood (University of Nottingham)
Lou Goble (Willamette University)
Valentin Goranko (Technical University of Denmark)
Davide Grossi (University of Liverpool)
Shaun Hargreaves Heap (King's College London)
Paul Harrenstein (University of Oxford)
Martin van Hees (University of Amsterdam)
Andreas Herzig (French National Centre for Scientific Research)
Wiebe van der Hoek (University of Liverpool)
Jeff Horty (University of Maryland)
Steffen Huck (University College London)
Barteld Kooi (University of Groningen)
Dorothea Kuebler (University of Berlin)
Jerome Lang (French National Centre for Scientific Research)
Azi Lev-On (Ariel University Center)
Brian Logan (University of Nottingham)
Emiliano Lorini (French National Centre for Scientific Research)
Michael Luck (King's College London)
Robert MacKay (University of Warwick)
John-Jules Meyer (Utrecht University)
Ryan Muldoon (University of Pennsylvania)
Sten Nyberg (Stockholm University)
Nardine Osman (Spanish Research Council)
Julian Padget (University of Bath)
Anders Poulsen (University of East Anglia)
Alex Possajennikov (University of Nottingham)
David Rand (Yale University)
Regis Riveret (Imperial College London)
Antonino Rotolo (University of Bologna)
Olivier Roy (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy)
Giovanni Sartor (University of Bologna)
Martin Sefton (University of Nottingham)
Marek Sergot (Imperial College London)
Carles Sierra (Spanish Research Council)
Kai Spiekermann (London School of Economics)
Chris Starmer (University of Nottingham)
Robert Sugden (University of East Anglia)
Allard Tamminga (University of Groningen)
Leon van der Torre (University of Luxembourg)
Luca Tummolini (Italian National Resarch Council)
Theodore Turocy (University of East Anglia)
Paolo Turrini (Imperial College London)
Jorgen Weibull (Stockholm University)
Michael Wooldridge (University of Oxford)
Erte Xiao (Carnegie Mellon University)
Peyton Young (University of Oxford)
Daniel Zizzo (University of East Anglia)
For more information please have a look at the workshop website
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