The 30th Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Conference (UAI 2014)

July 23-27, 2014

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

<>Important Dates


   March 19, 2014, 11:59pm UTC: Paper submission deadline

   May 6-9, 2014: Author feedback about initial reviews

   May 30, 2014: Author notification

   June 16, 2014: Camera-ready copy due

The Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) is the
premier international conference on research related to representation,
inference, learning, and decision making in the presence of uncertainty.
UAI 2014 will be held in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, at the Quebec City
Convention Centre, on July 23-27, 2014. The main conference will occur on
July 24-26, with tutorials on July 23rd and workshops on July 27th. The
conference will be located close in time and location with the AAAI 2014
conference to be held July 27-31, 2014 and CogSci 2014 conference to be
held July 23–26, 2014 in Quebec City.

We solicit submission of papers which describe novel theories, methodology,
and applications related to modeling, inference, learning, and
decision-making under uncertainty. A non-exclusive list of subject areas is
placed at and papers published at past
conferences can be found at We welcome
submissions by authors who are new to the UAI conference on new and
emerging topics. We encourage submissions on applications, especially those
that inspire new methodologies or novel  combinations of existing

Submitted papers will be reviewed based on their novelty, technical
quality, potential impact, and clarity of writing. For papers that rely
heavily on empirical evaluations, the experimental methods and results
should be clear, well executed, and repeatable.  Submissions that mark
“Applications” as the primary subject area will be reviewed according to
appropriate criteria and by reviewers with appropriate backgrounds.

Paper Submission

Paper submission and reviewing will be handled electronically. Submissions
should be formatted in the UAI format and papers (including figures and
text) are limited to 9 pages in length. An additional 10th page is allowed
containing only references. Optional submissions of supplementary materials
are allowed. However, reviewers are under no obligation to look at the
submitted supplementary materials, and will base their review primarily on
the main paper. Authors should consult the conference Web site ( for full details regarding the paper preparation
and submission guidelines.

Papers that are currently under review or have already been accepted or
published in a refereed venue, including conferences and journals, may not
be submitted.   Authors are strongly encouraged to make data and code
publicly available when possible.

The review process is double blind. Please make sure that the submission
does not disclose the author's identities or affiliation.
Presentation and Publication

All accepted papers will be presented at the conference either as
contributed talks or as posters, and will be published in the Conference
Proceedings. At least one of the paper's authors should be present at the
conference to present the work.
AIJ Fast-Track

The AI Journal (AIJ) offers fast-track publication to the authors of  UAI
2104 best papers and  runner ups. Once the review process is over, a list
of nominated papers and their reviewers will be sent to AIJ. AIJ will
follow up with invitation letters and the journal review process. If
accepted,  the papers would be published as regular AIJ papers but
identified as invited revisions of papers first given at UAI-2014.

Program Chairs:

Jin Tian, Iowa State University

Nevin L. Zhang, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

General Chair:

Ann Nicholson, Monash University
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