Postdoctoral Research Associate/Assistant Positions in Machine Learning

We are seeking up to three highly creative and motivated Postdoctoral Research 
Associates/Assistants to join the Machine Learning Group 
( in the Department of Engineering, University of 
Cambridge, UK.
Post 1: Building an Automated Statistician. This postdoc will be working with 
Zoubin Ghahramani in collaboration with Google, and should have extensive 
experience in Bayesian model comparison and scalable approximate inference.
Post 2: Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Nonparametrics. This postdoc 
will be working with Zoubin Ghahramani in collaboration with MIT and Oxford and 
should have research experience in these two areas.
Post 3: Machine Learning for Autonomous Systems and Control. This postdoc will 
be working jointly with the Control Group at Cambridge, in a team including 
Carl Rasmussen, Jan Maciejowski, and Zoubin Ghahramani.  This project will 
focus on bridging Bayesian inference for machine learning, reinforcement 
learning methods, and Model Predictive Control methods for autonomous and 
intelligent systems. 
The successful applicants will have or be near completing a PhD in computer 
science, engineering, statistics or a related area, and will have extensive 
research experience and a strong publication record in statistics, probability, 
machine learning and/or control theory. Preference will be given to applicants 
with some experience in large-scale modelling with Bayesian methods, 
non-parametric Bayesian models, approximate inference and experience with 
reinforcement learning or control.

To apply complete form CHRIS/6 
( and send with your CV 
which should include a list of your publications and names of at least two 
referees, and a covering letter indicating which posts you wish to be 
considered for, in pdf format by email to Diane Hazell ( ).

Applications should be sent so as to reach us not later than 25 November 2013.

Quote Reference: NM01955 (Posts 1 and 2), or NM01954 (Post 3). 


Zoubin Ghahramani
Professor of Information Engineering
University of Cambridge
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