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FINAL CALL FOR PARTICIPATION -- The Third International Workshop on Climate Informatics

*We invite all researchers interested in the field of climate informatics to join us, whether established in the field or just starting out, whether presenting their work or just enjoying the **tutorials, invited talks, panel discussions, posters and break-out sessions.
   September 26 - 27, 2013
Hosted by the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado
   Website: https://www2.image.ucar.edu/event/ci2013

The amount of observational and model-simulated data within the climate sciences has grown at an accelerating rate since the early 1980s. The increasing amount of available data creates many opportunities for researchers in machine learning and statistics to partner with climate scientists in the development of new methods for interdisciplinary knowledge discovery.

Climate informatics broadly refers to any research combining climate science with approaches from statistics, machine learning and data mining. The Climate Informatics workshop series, now in its third year, seeks to bring together researchers from all of these areas. We aim to stimulate the discussion of new ideas, foster new collaborations, grow the climate informatics community, and thus accelerate discovery across disciplinary boundaries.

The format of the workshop seeks to overcome cross-disciplinary language barriers and to emphasize communication between participants by featuring tutorials, invited talks, panel discussions, posters and break-out sessions. The programs of previous workshops can be found here (CI 2012, CI 2011). We invite all researchers interested in learning about critical issues and opportunities in the field of climate informatics to join us, whether established in the field or just starting out.

   Gil Compo, CIRES, University of Colorado/ ESRL, NOAA
Noel Cressie, University of Wollongong/ Jet Propulsion Laboratory/ University of Missouri
   Noah Diffenbaugh, Stanford University
   Lise Getoor, University of Maryland
   Claire Monteleoni, George Washington University
   David Neelin, UCLA
   Susan Tolwinski-Ward, NCAR

Session 1: Climate problems for the CI community. Lead by Martin Tingley and Amy McGovern. Session 2: Big Data challenges, with emphasis on the CMIP5 archive. Lead by Bette Otto-Bliesner and Shrideep Pallickara
   Session 3:  Funding CI research. Lead by Vipin Kumar and Doug Nychka
Session 4: Accepting YOUR suggestions for a 4th topic (send to climate.informatics.works...@gmail.com)

   45 Posters on topics of climate informatics
   (Complete list at https://www2.image.ucar.edu/event/ci2013/abstracts)

   See Agenda: https://www2.image.ucar.edu/event/ci2013/agenda

REGISTRATION FEES:   $50 regular / $25 students

  National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
  National Science Foundation (NSF)
  CRAY, Inc. (The Supercomputer Company)

CONTACT: For more information, to get involved, or to sign up to receive announcements, please contact us here: climate.informatics.works...@gmail.com.
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