[Our apologies for cross posting]


As requested by a number of participants, the CDMC2013 results submission gate 

remain open til Sep.31 2013.

The 4th International Cybersecurity Data Mining Competition

(CDMC2013) Kick-Off on 1st of June



The purpose of the International Cybersecurity Data Mining Competition

is to increase awareness of Cybersecurity and the potential of industrial 

applications, and give young researchers exposure to the main issues 

related to the topic and to ongoing work in this area. The focus of this 

competition is on string sequences analysis towards application of knowledge

discovery techniques for protecting personal computer information by

means of detection, preventive measures, and responding to various attacks.

#Tasks and Data#

(1) eNews Categorization. The aim is to classify text data into business, 

entertainment, sport, technology, and travel 5 categories.

(2) Intrusion Detection. The aim is to perform network intrusion detection 

over data collected from a real IDS deployed in Korea.

(3) Packer Identification. The aim is to perform packer identification for 

given portable executable (PE) files.

(4) Multi-task Pattern Recognition. The aim is to perform effective knowledge 

transfer for 3 correlated multi-task pattern recognition.

#Prizes and Awards# 

We have set cash prizes for the competition. The top ranking teams of all 3 

data mining tasks will be eligible to win a cash prize of NZ $3000. Additional 
prizes may be available as travel grants for deserving participants to help 
them attend the ICONIP2013 conference and/or the DMC2013 workshop.

#Paper submissions and publications#

The competition is associated with the 6th International Workshop

on Data Mining and Cybersecurity (DMC2013), which is an associated

event to the 20th International Conference on Neural Information

Processing (ICONIP2013), Daegu, Korea, November 3-7, 2013. The

competition is open to anyone who would like to register.

Note that author can submit your paper to DMC2013 workshop through

the following online submission gate and choose the 'Workshop' category, 

and  tick the group of 'Workshop: CDMC 2013'.


#Deadline for submission#

The competition results submission deadline is on 31st of August 2013, and the 

results will be announced by 3rd, November 2013.

The DMC2013 workshop paper submission deadline is on 15th of June 2013.

CDMC2013 Secretary 

International Cybersecurity and Data Mining Society


International Cybersecurity Data Mining Competition

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