Call for Contributions

NIPS 2013 Workshop on Perturbations, Optimization, and Statistics
December 9 or 10 (TBD), 2012 at Lake Tahoe, Nevada, U.S.A.
Web Site:
Submission Deadline: October 9, 2013

== Overview ==
In nearly all machine learning tasks, decisions must be made given
current knowledge (e.g., choose which label to predict). Perhaps
surprisingly, always making the best decision is not always the best
strategy, particularly while learning. Recently, there is an emerging
body of work on learning under different rules that apply
perturbations to the decision procedure. These works provide simple
and efficient learning rules with improved theoretical guarantees.
Last year, at the NIPS 2012 workshop, we looked at how injecting
perturbations (whether it be random or adversarial “noise”) into
learning and inference procedures can be beneficial. The goal of this
workshop is to expand the scope of last year and also explore
different ways to apply perturbations within optimization and
statistics to enhance and improve machine learning approaches. This
year, we will (a) look at exciting new developments related to the
above core themes, and (b) emphasize their implications on topics that
received less coverage last year, specifically highlighting
connections to decision theory, risk analysis, game theory, and
economics. This workshop will bring together the growing community of
researchers interested in different aspects of this area, and it will
broaden our understanding of why and how perturbation methods can be

== Call for Papers ==

In addition to a program of invited presentations, we solicit contribution
of short papers that explore perturbation-based methods in the context of
topics such as: statistical modeling, sampling, inference, estimation,
theory, robust optimization, robust learning. We are interested in both
theoretical and application-oriented works. We also welcome papers that
explore connections between alternative ways of using perturbations.
Contributed papers should adhere to the NIPS
format<> and
are encouraged to be up to four pages long (without counting the list of
references). Paperssubmitted for review do not need to be anonymized. There
will be no official proceedings. Thus, apart from papers reporting novel
unpublished work, we also welcome submissions describing work in progress
or summarizing a longer paper under review for a journal or conference
(this should be clearly stated though). Accepted papers will be presented
as posters; some may also be selected for spotlight talks.
Please submit papers in PDF format by email to
The submission deadline is October 9, 2013 and notifications of acceptance
will be sent by October 23, 2013. At least one of the authors must be
attending the workshop to present the work.

== Confirmed Invited Speakers ==
Moshe Ben-Akiva (MIT), Stefano Ermon (Cornell), Elad Hazan (Technion), Tommi
Jaakkola (MIT), David McAllester (TTI-Chicago), Andrea Montanari
(Stanford), Karthik
Sridharan (UPenn).

== Organizers ==
Tamir Hazan (University of Haifa), George Papandreou
(UCLA/TTI-Chicago), Alexander Rakhlin (UPenn), Danny Tarlow (MSR
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