Dear friends in causality, ------------------------------------- This greeting from the UCLA Causality blog contains: 1. News items concerning causality research 2. postings and publications
1.1 Journal of Causal Inference - Vol. 1, Issue 1 ------------------------------------------------- The first issue of the Journal of Causal Inference is now out, and can be viewed at or Printed copies of this issue will be available at the JSM meeting in Montreal. The 2nd issue is planned for December, 2013. Submissions are welcome on all aspects of causal analysis, especially those deemed impossible. 1.2 Causality in Statistical Education Prize -------------------------------------------- Congratulations are due to professor Felix Elwert (U. Wisconsin) who won the first Causality in Statistics Education Award from the American Statistical Association this past week. See Professor Elwert has earned this honor for his two-day course on "Causal Inference with Directed Acyclic Graphs." For slides and course material see Professor Elwert will receive the $5,000 prize and a plaque at the JSM meeting in Montreal, August 4, 2013. A visionary gift from Microsoft Research will double the prize next year; 5K for a graduate level and 5K for undergraduate. 1.3 Causality book - new printing ------------------------------ The 2nd edition of Causality (2009) is currently going through its 3rd printing, corrected and improved. Printed copies will be available at JSM. If you have an older printing and do not wish to buy another copy, all changes are marked in red here: I also learned that the book is now available on kindel. Enjoy. 1. 4. Workshops -------------- A workshop on "Approaches to Causal Structure Learning" will be conducted on Monday July 15th in Bellevue, WA, USA. as part of the UAI 2013 conference. For details, see 1.5 Tutorials ---------------- The NIPS-2013 conference will host a 2-hour tutorial on causal inference, given by J. Pearl and E. Earenboim December, 5, 2013, Lake Tahoe, Nevada. For details visit 2. New postings and publications ----------------- 2.1 Larry Wasserman has a nice discussion on Simpson's paradox posted on his blog. 2.2 A recent publication worth noting is S. Morgan (Ed.) "Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research 2013," 2.3 There are a few new postings on my home page among them: 410- Mohan, Pearl and Tian "Missing data as a causal inference problem." 408 - Bareinboim and Pearl "Causal Transportability with Limited Experiments" 406 - Pearl, "Detecting latent heterogeneity" 405 - J. Pearl "A solution to a class of selection-bias problems 393 - Bollen and Pearl "Eight Myths about Causality" _______________________________________________ uai mailing list uai@ENGR.ORST.EDU