*ICML Workshop on the Reinforcement Learning Competition 2013*(*WRLCOMP*)
in conjunction with *ICML 2013* <http://icml.cc/2013/>, *16-21 June
2013 *Atlanta,


*Workshop program (*June 21, 2013*)*

 9:00 -10:00  Introduction to the workshop, results, domains
10:00-10:30 Break
10:30-12:00 Presentations of approaches

13:30-14:30 Invited talk by Marc Deisenroth
14:30-15:30 Discussion on the future of the workshop.

*Workshop goals*

In the reinforcement learning competition <http://2013.rl-competition.org/>,
researchers can test their algorithms and insights in a friendly
competitive way, on new and challenging domains. The reinforcement learning
competition has not been organized for a while, but will take place again
this year after a long hiatus. The primary aim of the competition is to
test both general and domain-specific reinforcement learning algorithms,
using an unbiased and transparent methodology. The domains used in the
competition will form a set of benchmarks, and the results of the submitted
algorithms will form a body of benchmark results, which researchers can
then use as a basis of comparison in future work.

The ICML reinforcement learning competition workshop will bring together
researchers, who participated in the competition, in order to present and
discuss their results. We will evaluate what works, and also under what
conditions established methods may not work so well. In this way we hope to
broaden our insight into state-of-the-art RL algorithms, and important
properties of RL problems.

A secondary aim is to discuss methodological approaches for comparing
reinforcement learning algorithms. This remains an issue in reinforcement
learning in general.

Another important aim is to ensure the continuing existence of the
competition, and the prevention of further hiatuses. Our aim is to ensure
that the competition will organized annually again, from this year onward.
To this extend we will try to build up an organization of interested


   - Christos Dimitrakakis <http://liawww.epfl.ch/People/dimitrak/>
   - Nikolaos Tziortziotis <http://www.cs.uoi.gr/~ntziorzi>
   - Guangliang Li <http://staff.science.uva.nl/~gli/>
   - Diederik Roijers <http://staff.science.uva.nl/~roijers/>

*Program Committee*

   - Mauricio Araya
   - Olivier Buffet
   - Marc Deisenroth
   - Christos Dimitrakakis
   - Guangliang Li
   - Diederik Roijers
   - Ronald Ortner
   - Vincent Thomas
   - Nikolaos Tziortziotis
   - Nikos Vlassis

Guangliang Li

PhD student, Intelligent Autonomous Systems Group

Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Science Park 904, 1098 XH Amsterdam

Room C3.258A

Email: g...@uva.nl

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