This is a call to participate in the 2013 Conference on Uncertainty in
Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2013).

Please note that the deadline for early registration is approaching soon:
June 15th.

UAI will take place in Bellevue, Washington, USA on July 11-15, 2013.

Highlights for this year:

-  26 talks and 47 poster-only presentations on a wide variety of topics,
including inference algorithms, statistics, learning, causality, Markov
decision processes, and cognitive science.

- Invited talks from Josh Tenenbaum, Ralf Herbrich, and Tom Mitchell

- Tutorials on computational advertising and causality (Leon Bottou),
large-scale distributed machine learning (Carlos Guestrin), genomics (Lior
Pachter), and polynomial methods in learning and statistics (Ankur Moitra)

- Workshops on causal structure learning, spatial/temporal/network models,
complex models and big data, and e-commerce recommender systems.

I look forward to seeing you there,

Nando de Freitas
UAI 2013 General Chair
uai mailing list

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