The Flowers Team at Inria (Bordeaux, France) is seeking for highly motivated 
and talented postdoc and PhD researchers interested in the following topics: 

* Machine Learning for Robotics (especially Reinforcement Learning, Imitation, 
and Model Learning) 
* Computational Approaches for Human-Robot Collaboration 
* Personalized robotic factory cells 
* Lifelong robot learning in the context of assistive robotics 

The Flowers project-team, at Inria Bordeaux and Ensta ParisTech, is a highly 
stimulating research environment which has been developing cutting edge 
research in autonomous robot learning and development, imitation learning, 
human-robot adaptive interaction and robot language acquisition. Around five 
permanent researchers (M. Lopes, F. Stulp, D. Filliat, A. Gepperth, P-Y. 
Oudeyer), a lively group of PhDs, postdocs and engineers are collaborating with 
more than 15 labs in the world on various projects. Members of the team have 
been recently awarded several prestigious international research distinctions 
(e.g. ERC Grant, King-Sun Fu Best Paper Award of the IEEE Transactions on 
Robotics for the year 2012). 

There are multiple research positions funded by several EU-FP7-ICT "Cognitive 
Systems, Interaction and Robotics" projects: 

* phd student scholarship 
* 3 year post-doc 
* 3 year expert engineer 

The candidates will be involved in a european research project on human-robot 
collaboration, co-working and adaptive interaction. This will also involve 
close collaborations with several international laboratories, including the 
Intelligent Autonomous Systems Lab (IAS) at the Technical University of 
Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt), the Machine Learning & Robotics Lab (Univ. 
Stuttgart), and the Intelligent Systems group at the University of Innsbruck 

The candidates must have strong skills in mathematics, machine learning and 
control theory (with a focus on statistics, optimization and control theory), 
and be capable to conduct complex robotic experiments in a collaborative 

They must have experience in robotics and programming proficiency (e.g. C/C++, 
Matlab, Python). 

*** AT ICML in Atlanta or at RSS in Berlin IF YOU ATTEND *** 

Contact: Manuel Lopes ( ) 

Flowers Team: 
Inria site: 

City of Bordeaux 
Bordeaux is situated in the south of France, and is one of the most pleasant 
town to live in France, with a sunny weather, a unique and large historical 
center protected by UNESCO, and close to the sea and the Pyrénées mountains. 
The Inria research center is situated in the middle of a large scientific 
campus, in a brand new building with a direct view on the famous Haut-Brion 

About Inria: 
Inria is a major research institution at the international level in applied 
mathematics and computer sciences. Inria’s 3,400 researchers strive to invent 
the digital technologies of the future. The institute is dedicated to 
fundamental and applied research in information and communication science and 
technology (ICST) but also plays a major role in technology transfer by 
fostering training through research, disseminating scientific and technical 
information, and participating in international programs. Inria develops many 
partnerships with industry and fosters technology transfer and company 
foundation in the field of ICST - some ninety companies have been founded with 
the support of Inria Transfer, a subsidiary of Inria, specialized in guiding, 
evaluating, qualifying, and financing innovative high-tech IT start-up 
companies. Inria is involved in standardization committees such as the IETF, 
ISO and the W3C of which Inria was the European host from 1995 to 2002. 
Throughout its eight research centres located, Inria has a workforce of 3800 
(2,800 of whom are scientists from Inria or from Inria’s partner organisations 
such as CNRS (the French National Centre for Scientific Research), universities 
and leading engineering schools). The researchers at Inria published over 4,800 
articles in 2010. They are behind over 270 active patents and 105 start-ups. In 
2010, Inria’s budget came to 252.5 million euros, 26% of which represented its 
own resources. They work in 173 project-teams. Many Inria researchers are also 
professors who supervise around 1000 doctoral students, their theses work 
contributing to Inria research projects. 
Inria maintains important international relations and exchanges. In Europe, 
Inria is a member of ERCIM, which brings together research institutes from 19 
European countries. Inria is a partner in about 120 FP6 actions and 128 FP7 
actions, with 71 proposals in the ICST field. 

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