[with apologies for multiple copies]
Theme: agent-based modelling, socio-technical systems, public policy,
Submissions due: 15 March 2013
AI & Society published by Springer
Special Issue Theme and Topics of Interest
Socio-technical systems are complex adaptive entities in which social systems
and technologies co-evolve. To attain policy goals in such an environment,
social and technical elements must be put to use in a combined way, and in
order to understand, analyze and design such complex combined systems, advanced
tools are required. One of the major tools for understanding socio-technical
systems is agent-based modelling. In recent years, social scientists from all
domains, including economists, political scientists and sociologists, together
with policy makers, have been using agent-based models to develop a better
understanding of their problem domains and make better decisions.
The theme of this special issue of AI & Society is agent-related research for
policy domains. Relevant are agent-based approaches to topics in policy
analysis, and integration of policies within agent systems. The special issue
is motivated by the AMPLE workshop held at the ECAI 2012 conference
(http://ample2012.tudelft.nl). By gathering different perspectives, the
special issue aims to explore how agent-oriented research can be used or
improved to assist policy making in the social sciences. Multi-disciplinary
submissions are especially welcomed.
Topics of particular interest for this special issue include, but are not
limited to:
* Rich cognitive agent models for policy design and analysis
* Agent-oriented models for decision support:
+ Social networks: influence in decision making; representation; models for
+ Culture and social norms: influence in decision making; representation;
models for simulation
+ Participatory design for sustainable policies
+ Integration of normative and social aspects
* Agent-based models and approaches for sustainability issues in public and
private policy
* Formal methods for specifying policies in coordination and organizational
* Models for verification, validation and visualization of simulations for
policy analysis
* Tools and methods for implementing policies in agent-based systems
* Connection of tools and methods for policy analysis (agent-based modelling,
game theory, gaming, system dynamics)
About the Journal AI & Society
AI & Society: Knowledge, Culture and Communication, is an international
journal, publishing refereed scholarly articles, position papers, debates,
short communications and reviews of books and other publications. Established
in 1987, the journal focuses on the issues of policy, design and management of
information, communications and new media technologies, with a particular
emphasis on cultural, social, cognitive, economic, ethical and philosophical
implications. Rather than concentrate on technical aspects of information and
communication systems, the journal emphasizes the need to understand the
potential and consequences of using these powerful tools.
Publisher: Springer
Submission Process
Prospective authors are invited to prepare full papers according to the
prescribed format: http://www.springer.com/computer/ai/journal/146
Submissions are made online:
Selected authors with an accepted paper in the AMPLE workshop at ECAI 2012 are
requested to submit expanded and revised version of their papers, taking into
full account the reviewers' comments and the discussion held during the
Guest Editors:
* Francien Dechesne, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands,
* Amineh Ghorbani, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands,
* Tony Savarimuthu, University of Otago, New Zealand,
* Neil Yorke-Smith, American University of Beirut, Lebanon,
We encourage potential authors to contact the editors to express their
intention to submit a manuscript for the special issue, or for any questions
they might have regarding scope.
Note: The journal not does impose an upper limit on the length of submissions,
but submissions should be concise, with length appropriate for their content.
Important Dates
Paper Submission: 15 March 2013
Notification: 15 May 2013
Camera-ready submission: 31 July 2013
Target publication date: Winter 2014
[with apologies for multiple copies]
Theme: agent-based modelling, socio-technical systems, public policy,
Submissions due: 15 March 2013
AI & Society published by Springer
Special Issue Theme and Topics of Interest
Socio-technical systems are complex adaptive entities in which social systems
and technologies co-evolve. To attain policy goals in such an environment,
social and technical elements must be put to use in a combined way, and in
order to understand, analyze and design such complex combined systems, advanced
tools are required. One of the major tools for understanding socio-technical
systems is agent-based modelling. In recent years, social scientists from all
domains, including economists, political scientists and sociologists, together
with policy makers, have been using agent-based models to develop a better
understanding of their problem domains and make better decisions.
The theme of this special issue of AI & Society is agent-related research for
policy domains. Relevant are agent-based approaches to topics in policy
analysis, and integration of policies within agent systems. The special issue
is motivated by the AMPLE workshop held at the ECAI 2012 conference
(http://ample2012.tudelft.nl). By gathering different perspectives, the
special issue aims to explore how agent-oriented research can be used or
improved to assist policy making in the social sciences. Multi-disciplinary
submissions are especially welcomed.
Topics of particular interest for this special issue include, but are not
limited to:
* Rich cognitive agent models for policy design and analysis
* Agent-oriented models for decision support:
+ Social networks: influence in decision making; representation; models for
+ Culture and social norms: influence in decision making; representation;
models for simulation
+ Participatory design for sustainable policies
+ Integration of normative and social aspects
* Agent-based models and approaches for sustainability issues in public and
private policy
* Formal methods for specifying policies in coordination and organizational
* Models for verification, validation and visualization of simulations for
policy analysis
* Tools and methods for implementing policies in agent-based systems
* Connection of tools and methods for policy analysis (agent-based modelling,
game theory, gaming, system dynamics)
About the Journal AI & Society
AI & Society: Knowledge, Culture and Communication, is an international
journal, publishing refereed scholarly articles, position papers, debates,
short communications and reviews of books and other publications. Established
in 1987, the journal focuses on the issues of policy, design and management of
information, communications and new media technologies, with a particular
emphasis on cultural, social, cognitive, economic, ethical and philosophical
implications. Rather than concentrate on technical aspects of information and
communication systems, the journal emphasizes the need to understand the
potential and consequences of using these powerful tools.
Publisher: Springer
Submission Process
Prospective authors are invited to prepare full papers according to the
prescribed format: http://www.springer.com/computer/ai/journal/146
Submissions are made online:
Selected authors with an accepted paper in the AMPLE workshop at ECAI 2012 are
requested to submit expanded and revised version of their papers, taking into
full account the reviewers' comments and the discussion held during the
Guest Editors:
* Francien Dechesne, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands,
* Amineh Ghorbani, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands,
* Tony Savarimuthu, University of Otago, New Zealand,
* Neil Yorke-Smith, American University of Beirut, Lebanon, nysm...@aub.edu.lb
We encourage potential authors to contact the editors to express their
intention to submit a manuscript for the special issue, or for any questions
they might have regarding scope.
Note: The journal not does impose an upper limit on the length of submissions,
but submissions should be concise, with length appropriate for their content.
Important Dates
Paper Submission: 15 March 2013
Notification: 15 May 2013
Camera-ready submission: 31 July 2013
Target publication date: Winter 2014
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