Call For Papers

Paper deadline: 11 February, 2013
** The proceedings will be published by Springer LNAI **
** Format can be Springer LNAI with up to 12 pages**
** Papers should be submitted through the ADMI'13 submission system linked
to the ADMI'13 website**

Call For Papers

The Ninth International Workshop on Agents and Data Mining Interaction
Saint Paul, USA, 6-10 May, 2013

Held in conjunction with
Twelfth International Joint Conference on AUTONOMOUS AGENTS AND MULTIAGENT

Important dates:
- Electronic submission of full papers:    11 February, 2013
- Notification of paper acceptance:       11 March, 2013
- Camera-ready copies of accepted papers: 30 March, 2013
- AAMAS-2013 workshop:                     6-7 May, 2013

The ADMI workshop provides a premier forum for sharing research and
engineering results, as well as potential challenges and prospects
encountered in the respective communities and the coupling between agents
and data mining. The workshop welcomes theoretical work and applied
dissemination aiming to: (1) exploit agent-enriched data mining and
demonstrate how intelligent agent technology can contribute to critical
data mining problems in theory and practice; (2) improve data mining-driven
agents and show how data mining can strengthen agent intelligence in
research and practical applications; (3) explore the integration of agents
and data mining towards a super-intelligent system; (4) discuss existing
results, new problems, challenges and impact of integration of agent and
data mining technologies as applied to highly distributed heterogeneous,
including mobile, systems operating in ubiquitous and P2P environments; and
(5) identify challenges and directions for future research and development
on the synergy between agents and data mining.
The workshop encourages submissions on, but not limited to:
1. Principles and foundations for agent mining
● Theoretical foundations for interaction between agents and data mining ●
Formal frameworks and infrastructure ● Interaction design for agent mining
● Challenges and prospects
2. Performance evaluation and validation for agent mining
● Evaluation methodologies and strategies ● Evaluation metric, benchmarks
and testbeds ● Toolbox development ● Agent driven and enhanced data mining
technologies ● Adaptive mining techniques in general data mining concepts
including clustering, classification, etc. ● Active learning for
intelligent data analysis ● Agent based web mining, text mining and
information retrieval ● Agent or actor oriented analysis in social networks
● Agent interaction protocols for distributed data mining and machine
learning ● Mining multiagent data/behavior
3. Data mining driven and enhanced agent technologies
● Behavior mining for agent decision making, reasoning, learning and
planning ● Social computing for agent interactions ● Opponent learning and
mining in agent interactions ● Data intensive mechanism design and
optimization including auction, negotiation, etc. ● Experience/data based
agent trust/reputation analysis ● Agent and data mining mutual enhancement
systems/development ● Ubiquitous intelligence, ambient intelligence and
smart space ● Computer game intelligence ● Intelligent cognitive systems
and preference learning ● Learning-based self-configuration of agent P2P
overlay networks● Web intelligence and web wisdom ● Domain knowledge mining
and intelligence ● Human-computer interaction intelligence
4. Emergent agent and data mining applications
● E-market and e-commence ● E-health and tele-health ● Smart grid and
homeland security ● E-education and intelligent tutor systems ● Mobile
computing and mobile business services ● Video games, computer games, and
online games ● Web and online services
5. Applications, success stories, case studies and lessons learned
● Advanced engineering and industrial applications ● Self-organized
agent-based logistics ad-hoc networks● Emerging agent mining applications
and lessons learned ● Challenges and prospects in agent mining

Invited speakers:
- Jeffrey S. Rosenschein, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
- Bo An, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Submission Instructions:
Please follow the AAMAS 2013 paper formats.
Papers are to be submitted through the EasyChair Conference System website

Post-workshop publication:
- The ADMI-13 Proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag as a volume
of LNCS/LNAI series.

Workshop Program Co-Chairs:
- Longbing Cao, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
- Yifeng Zeng, School of Computing, Teesside University, United Kingdom
- Andreas L. Symeonidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- Vladimir Gorodetsky, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Workshop General Co-Chairs:
- Jorg P. Müller, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
- Philip S Yu, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Supported by:
Agent-Mining Interaction and Integration
Special Interest Group (AMII-SIG)

Longbing Cao, Yifeng Zeng, Andreas L. Symeonidis, Vladimir Gorodetsky
uai mailing list

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