*Call for Papers*

Adaptive and Learning Agents Workshop 2013 at AAMAS 2013 (Saint Paul,
Minnesota, USA)

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Paper deadline: JANUARY 30th, 2013

* AAMAS workshop with a long and successful history, now in its 13th edition.
* ACM proceedings format with up to 8 pages.
* Accepted papers are eligible for inclusion in a special issue journal.

1st Call for Papers

ALA 2013: Adaptive and Learning Agents Workshop held at AAMAS 2013
(Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA). The ALA workshop has a long and successful
 history and is now in its 13th edition. The workshop is a merger of
European ALAMAS and the American ALAg series which is usually held at

Details may be found on the workshop web site:


Paper management will be done at the site:


* Submission Deadline:          January 30, 2013
* Notification of acceptance:   February 27, 2013
* Camera-ready copies:          March 10, 2013
* Workshop:                          May 6-7, 2013
Adaptive and Learning Agents, particularly those in a multi-agent
setting are becoming more and more prominent as the sheer size and
complexity of many real world systems grows. How to adaptively control,
coordinate and optimize such systems is an emerging multi-disciplinary
research area at the intersection of Computer Science, Control theory,
Economics, and Biology. The ALA workshop will focus on agent and
multi-agent systems which employ learning or adaptation.

The goal of this workshop is to increase awareness and interest in
adaptive agent research, encourage collaboration and give a
representative overview of current research in the area of adaptive and
learning agents and multi-agent systems. It aims at bringing together
not only scientists from different areas of computer science but also
from different fields studying similar concepts (e.g., game theory,
bio-inspired control, mechanism design). This workshop will focus on all
 aspects of adaptive and learning agents and multi-agent systems with a
particular emphasis on how to modify established learning techniques
and/or create new learning paradigms to address the many challenges
presented by complex real-world problems.

The topics of interest include but are not limited to:
     * Novel combinations of reinforcement and supervised learning approaches
     * Integrated learning approaches that work with other agent
reasoning modules like
       negotiation, trust models, coordination, etc.
     * Supervised multi-agent learning
     * Reinforcement learning (single and multi-agent)
     * Planning (single and multi-agent)
     * Reasoning (single and multi-agent)
     * Distributed learning
     * Adaptation and learning in dynamic environments
     * Evolution of agents in complex environments
     * Co-evolution of agents in a multi-agent setting
     * Cooperative exploration and learning to cooperate and collaborate
     * Learning trust and reputation
     * Communication restrictions and their impact on multi-agent coordination
     * Design of reward structure and fitness measures for coordination
     * Scaling learning techniques to large systems of learning and
adaptive agents
     * Emergent behaviour in adaptive multi-agent systems
     * Game theoretical analysis of adaptive multi-agent systems
     * Neuro-control in multi-agent systems
     * Bio-inspired multi-agent systems
     * Applications of adaptive and learning agents and multi-agent
systems to real world complex
     * Learning of Co-ordination

Submission Details: Papers can be submitted through Easychair:


Submissions may be up to 8 pages in the ACM proceedings format (i.e.,
the same as AAMAS papers in the main conference track).  Accepted work
will be allocated time for oral presentation during the one day
workshop. Papers accepted at the workshop will also be eligible for
inclusion in a planned special issue journal published after the


Workshop chairs:

Sam Devlin (University of York, UK)
Daniel Hennes (Maastricht University, The Netherlands)
Enda Howley (National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland)

If you have any questions about the ALA workshop, please contact Enda Howley at:
enda.howley (AT) nuigalway.ie

Senior Steering Committee Members:

Daniel Kudenko (University of York, UK)
Ann Nowé (Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium)
Peter Stone (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
Matthew Taylor (Lafayette College, USA)
Kagan Tumer (Oregon State University, USA)
Karl Tuyls (Maastricht University, The Netherlands)
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