                                          ISIPTA '13 - CALL FOR PAPERS
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                                                          ISIPTA '13
                        8th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability:
                                              Theories and Applications

                                         Tuesday 2 to Friday 5 July 2013
                                                Monday 1st: tutorials
                                Université de Technologie de Compiegne
                                                Compiegne, France


Dear colleague(s),

We would like to draw your attention to the 8th International Symposium on
Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications, which be held at the
Université de Technologie de Compiegne from July 2 to July 5, 2013.

In addition, a tutorial afternoon is organized the 1st july, with the
following speakers:
- Thierry Denoeux, université de Technologie de Compiègne
- Matthias Troffaes, Durham university

The ISIPTA meetings are one of the primary international forums to present
and discuss new results on the theories and applications of imprecise

Imprecise probability is a generic term for the many mathematical or
statistical models which allow us to measure chance or uncertainty without
using sharp numerical probabilities. These models include lower and
upper expectations or previsions, interval
valued probabilities, sets of probability measures, belief functions,
Choquet capacities, fuzzy measures, comparative probability orderings,
measures, plausibility measures, and sets of desirable gambles.  Imprecise
probability models are needed in inference and decision problems where the
relevant information is scarce, vague or conflicting, and where preferences
may be incomplete.

In this edition, we are particularly interested in contributions
dealing with the connection between belief functions and other
imprecise probabilistic models, as well as by contributions concerning
real-world applications emphasizing the advantages and challenges of
using imprecise probability theories in them.


For your convenience, a detailed call. It can also be found at

Two kinds of submission can be done to ISIPTA:
- full reviewed papers who will be included in the proceedings
- abstract of posters presenting preliminary work or possible applications

For further details about (pre)registration, paper submission, program
committee, scientific and social program visit the ISIPTA '13 web site at


Following the conference, a selection of extended papers will appear
in a special issue of the International Journal of Approximate


We invite applications for the "IJAR Young Researcher Award", which is
granted by the International
Journal of Approximate Reasoning (IJAR), elsevier. The award is open
to Master students, PhD students and young post-doc
researchers who received their PhD after ISIPTA'11 and who have
demonstrated excellence in research on imprecise probabilities (Career
stage is taken into account in the judgment). More details will be
found soon on the website.


Paper submission deadline: 3 February 2013.
Posters only abstract submission deadline: 21 April 2013
Symposium: July 2-5, 2013.


The ECSQARU 2013 conference
(http://www.projects.science.uu.nl/ecsqaru/index.html) will be held in
Utrecht from Sunday 7 to Wednesday 10 July 2013. As some of the themes
of the two conferences are closely related, we propose the following
joint actions:

- a reduced fee to attend both conferences, including the travel from
Compiegne to Utrecht by bus;
- in each conference, tutorial and talks concerning themes;
- a workshop on sunday 7th July about bridges and connections between
topics usually treated in one (but not both) of the conferences.

More information can be found on the respective websites of the conferences.


The following invited speakers have confirmed their venue:
- Alessio Benavoli, IDSIA, Lugano
- Linda van der Gaag, Utrecht Universiteït
- Christophe Labreuche, Thales industry
- Jean-Marc Tallon, Sorbonne


Fabio Cozman (Sao paulo University, Brazil)
Thierry Denoeux (Université de Technologie de Compiegne, France)
Sébastien Destercke (Université de Technologie de Compiegne, France)
Thomas Fetz (Innsbruck University, Austria)
Serafin Moral (Granada University, Spain)
Teddy Seidenfeld (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Matthias Troffaes (Durham University, UK)


If you have any questions about the symposium and/or about related
events, please send an email to isipt...@hds.utc.fr, or at the
following address:

Sébastien Destercke,
Université de Technologie de Compiegne,
Centre de recherche de Royallieu,
60200 Compiègne, France.

For more information about SIPTA, the international organisation
responsible for organizing both the ISIPTA meetings and the SIPTA Schools
on Imprecise Probabilities, please consult the SIPTA web site at

The ISIPTA Steering Committee
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