Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 2013
Murcia, Spain, May 29 - June 1, 2013

The European Society for Artificial Intelligence in MEdicine (AIME), was 
established in 1986 with two main goals:
1. To foster fundamental and applied research in the application of Artificial 
Intelligence (AI) techniques to medical care and medical research, and
2. To provide a forum for reporting significant results achieved at biennial 

A major activity of this society has been a series of international 
conferences, from Marseille, France, in 1987 to Bled, Slovenia, in 2011, held 
biennially over the last 24 years. Next year, the AIME 2013 conference will be 
held in Murcia, Spain. The AIME 2013 conference will be a unique opportunity to 
present and improve the international state of the art of AI in Medicine from 
perspectives of theory, methodology, and application. For this purpose, AIME 
2013 will include invited lectures, full and short papers, tutorials, 
workshops, and a doctoral consortium. Specific attention will be given in the 
main conference to the theme "AI in Telemedicine and eHealth".


May 29, 2013:    Doctoral symposium and tutorials
May 30-31, 2013: Main conference programme
June 1, 2013:    Workshops


Hermie Hermens, University of Twente, The Netherlands.
Dominik Aronsky, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA.


We invite you to submit original contributions regarding the development of 
theory, methods, systems, and applications of AI in BioMedicine, including the 
application of AI approaches in biomedical informatics, healthcare organization 
and molecular medicine. A specific focus for the AIME 2013 conference is the 
role of AI in telemedicine and eHealth systems.

Contributions to theory and methods should present or analyse novel AI theories 
or methodologies for solving problems in the biomedical field. It is equally 
possible to develop new theories or methods, as well as to extend existing 
ones. In both cases, the work should demonstrate its utility for solving 
biomedical problems and highlight its contribution to the underlying 
theoretical basis. In addition, assumptions and limitations should be 
discussed, and novelty with respect to the state of the art.

Contributions addressing systems and applications should describe the 
development, implementation or evaluation of innovative, AI-based tools and 
systems in the biomedical application domain. These papers should both link the 
work to underlying theory, and either analyse the potential benefits to solve 
biomedical problems, or present empirical evidence of benefits in clinical 

The scope of the conference includes the following areas:
 * Clinical Decision Support Systems
 * Machine Learning, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
 * Biomedical Ontologies and Terminologies
 * Bayesian Networks and Reasoning under Uncertainty
 * Temporal and Spatial Representation and Reasoning
 * Computerized Clinical Practice Guidelines and Protocols
 * Healthcare Process and Workflow Management
 * Biomedical Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Management
 * AI methods in Telemedicine and eHealth
 * Case-based Reasoning in Biomedicine
 * Document Classification and Information Retrieval
 * Biomedical Image and Signal Processing
 * Visual Analytics in Biomedicine
 * Natural Language Processing
 * AI solutions for Ambient Assisted Living


The conference features regular papers, in two categories:
1. Full research papers (up to 10 pages)
2. Short papers (up to 5 pages) describing either
    a. a short research project
    b. demonstration of implemented systems
    c. late-breaking results (work-in-progress)

Papers should be formatted according to Springer's LNCS format (see or and 
submitted through the EasyChair conference system. Authors are asked to submit 
an abstract first, and upload the full paper one week later. The paper 
submission web page is available at

All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings which will be 
published as part of Springer's "Lecture Notes in AI" series. In addition, the 
authors of the best submissions will be invited to expand and refine their 
papers for possible publication in the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 
journal (Elsevier).


The best student paper will receive an award honoring Mario Stefanelli from the 
University of Pavia and his accomplishments. Mario Stefanelli was one of the 
founders of the AIME community, an inspiration to us all, and actively helped 
in advancing young researchers in our field. Selection of the best student 
paper will be performed by the Program Committee, and based on the quality of 
both the paper and the oral presentation at the conference.

The best paper in bioinformatics will receive an award honoring Marco Ramoni. 
Marco Ramoni was an outstandingly respected faculty member at Harvard, USA, and 
contributed to significant advances in the biomedical informatics field. 
Selection of the best paper in bioinformatics will be performed by the Program 
Committee, based on the quality of the paper.


As in previous AIME conferences, proposals for the organization of tutorials 
and satellite workshops are sought regarding any of the above topic areas. 
Proposals for tutorials and workshops should be sent by email to Niels Peek 


Proposals for Tutorials: December 13, 2012
Proposals for Workshops: December 13, 2012
Abstract Submission Deadline: December 13, 2012
Submission Deadline: December 20, 2012
Notification of Acceptance: February 26, 2013
Camera-Ready Copy Deadline: March 14, 2013

Additional information is available at the conference website,


Raza Abidi, Canada
Ameen Abu-Hanna, The Netherlands
Klaus-Peter Adlassnig, Austria
Steen Andreassen, Denmark
Pedro Barahona, Portugal
Riccardo Bellazzi, Italy
Isabelle Bichindaritz, USA
Carlo Combi, Italy
Amar Das, USA
Michel Dojat, France
Henrik Eriksson, Sweden
Paulo Felix, Spain
Catherine Garbay, France
Adela Grando, UK
Femida Gwadry-Sridhar, Canada
Frank van Harmelen, The Netherlands
Milos Hauskrecht, USA
Reinhold Haux, Germany
John Holmes, USA
Arjen Hommersom, The Netherlands
Werner Horn, Austria
Val Jones, The Netherlands
Katharina Kaiser, Austria
Elpida Keravnou, Cyprus
Pedro Larranaga, Spain
Nada Lavrac, Slovenia
Xiaohui Liu, UK
Peter Lucas, The Netherlands
Mar Marcos, Spain
Roque Marin Morales, Spain
Michael Marscholleck, Germany
Carolyn McGregor, Canada
Paola Mello, Italy
Silvia Miksch, Austria
Stefania Montani, Italy
Barbara Oliboni, Italy
Niels Peek, The Netherlands
Mor Peleg, Israel
Christian Popow, Austria
Silvana Quaglini, Italy
Alan Rector, UK
Stephen Rees, Denmark
David Riano, Spain
Lucia Sacchi, Italy
Abdul Sattar, Australia
Rainer Schmidt, Germany
Brigitte Seroussi, France
Yuval Shahar, Israel
Costas Spyropoulos, Greece
Annette ten Teije, The Netherlands
Paolo Terenziani, Italy
Samson Tu, USA
Allan Tucker, UK
Alfredo Vellido, Spain
Dongwen Wang, USA
Blaz Zupan, Slovenia
Pierre Zweigenbaum, France


Program Committee Chair: Niels Peek, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Local Organization Chair: Roque Marin Morales, University of Murcia, Spain
Doctoral Consortium Chair: Nada Lavrac, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, 


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