Open PhD position at the newly founded Knowledge Mining and Assessment Group 
(Prof. Ulf Brefeld, at Technical University 
of Darmstadt, Germany.

The position's focus will be on machine learning, data mining, and information 
retrieval, particularly on unsupervised information extraction and aggregation. 
Duties and responsibilities include teaching as well as academic research. The 
group closely collaborates with the German Institute for International 
Educational Research (DIPF) in Frankfurt/Main ( and is part 
of the research initiative for Knowledge Discovery in the Web 

The candidate should have or expect to obtain a MSc or equivalent in computer 
science, mathematics, or physics. 

Desirable skills:
* profound knowledge of kernel machines, structured input-output spaces, 
graphical models, and probabilistic inference
* strong mathematical skills
* practical experience with automatic web crawlers 
* expertise in natural language processing and information extraction
* practical experience of processing data at internet scales using 
* strong programming skills
* good written and spoken communication skills in German or English.

The position is a fixed-term contract with an option to extend it, provided 
certain conditions are met. We offer the possibility of further scientific 
qualification towards a doctoral degree. The salary is based on TV-TU Darmstadt 
(standard for employees at TU Darmstadt). A part-time working arrangement is 

The Department of Computer Science of TU Darmstadt is regularly ranked among 
the best in Germany. We invite applications from women and people with 
disabilities. More informations (in German):

Inquiries should be directed to 
Applications (reference number 351) should be addressed to the Dean of the 
Department of Computer Science, Hochschulstr. 10, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany. 
Deadline: September 23.

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