Call for Papers

Social network and social media analysis: Methods, models and applications

workshop in conjunction with:
26th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2012)

December 7 or 8 (TBD), 2012  Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA

Deadline for submissions:  Sunday, September 16, 2012
Notification of decision:     Sunday, October 7, 2012


Motivation and Goals:
The primary goal of the workshop is to become an inflection point in
the maturation of social network and social media analysis, promoting
greater technical sophistication and practical relevance. To
accomplish this, this workshop seeks to bring together researchers
from applied disciplines such as sociology, economics, medicine and
biology, together with researchers from more theoretical disciplines
such as mathematics and physics, within our community of statisticians
and computer scientists.

The technical focus of the workshop is the statistical, methodological
and computational issues that arise when modeling and analyzing large
collections of data that are largely represented as static and dynamic
graphs. As the different communities use diverse ideas and
mathematical tools, we seek to foster cross-disciplinary
collaborations and intellectual exchange. The communities identified
above all have a long-standing interest in modeling networks, and
while they approach the problem from different directions, their
ultimate goals are very similar.

This is a one-day workshop. The program will feature 6 invited talks,
poster spotlights and a poster session.  All submissions will be
peer-reviewed; exceptional work will be considered for oral
presentation. For up-to-date information on the workshop please check

Online Submissions:

We welcome the following types of papers:
        1. Research papers that introduce new models or methodology, or
established models/methods to novel domains and data sets, or
        2. Research papers that explore theoretical and computational issues

Submissions should be 4-to-8 pages long, and adhere to NIPS format
( Please make the author
information visible as in the final draft.

Submissions will be accepted through the following website:

Deadline for Submissions: Sunday, September 16, 2012
Notification of Decision: Sunday, October 7, 2012

Edo Airoldi, Harvard University,
Jure Leskovec, Stanford University,
Khalid El-Arini, Carnegie Mellon University,
David Choi, Carnegie Mellon University,

We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Thank you,
Edo, Jure, Khalid, and David
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