                                                    CALL FOR PAPERS
                                         Special Issue on Grammatical 
                                                 Machine Learning Journal
Grammatical inference studies the problem of how a grammar can be 
reliably and automatically inferred from information about the behavior 
of the system the grammar characterizes. Generative grammars are used to 
model a range of behaviors in fields such as bioinformatics, psychology, 
linguistics, natural language processing, software engineering, and many 
other areas.

Research in grammatical inference continually appears in conferences, 
including the biennial International Conference of Grammatical Inference 
(ICGI), and journals, and is the subject of a recent book (de la Higuera 
2010). The purpose of this special issue is to present the best, 
cutting-edge research on grammatical inference to the readership of the 
Machine Learning Journal.

We invite high quality submissions from researchers in all areas of 
grammatical inference, including, but not limited to, the following areas:

  * Theoretical aspects of grammatical inference: learning paradigms,
    learnability results, complexity of learning. Efficient learning
    algorithms for language classes inside and outside the Chomsky
    hierarchy. Learning tree and graph grammars. Learning distributions
    over strings, trees or graphs.
  * Theoretical and experimental analysis of different approaches to
    grammar induction, including artificial neural networks, statistical
    methods, symbolic methods, information-theoretic approaches, minimum
    description length, complexity-theoretic approaches, heuristic
    methods, etc.
  * Novel approaches to grammatical inference: Induction by DNA
    computing or quantum computing, evolutionary approaches, new
    representation spaces, etc.
  *   Successful applications of grammatical inference to tasks in
    natural language processing, bioinformatics, machine translation,
    pattern recognition, language acquisition, software engineering,
    computational linguistics, spam and malware detection, cognitive
    psychology, robotics etc.

*Paper Submission*
Authors are encouraged to submit high-quality, original work that has 
neither appeared in, nor is under consideration by, other journals.

Springer offers authors, editors and reviewers of Machine Learning a 
web-enabled online manuscript submission and review system, giving
authors the ability to track the review process of their manuscript.

Manuscripts should be submitted to: http://MACH.edmgr.com. This online 
system offers easy and straightforward log-in and submission procedures, 
and supports a wide range of submission file formats.  When submitting 
please be sure to choose the manuscript type, "Grammatical Inference."

*Important Dates*
.    Paper submission deadline:   December 1, 2012
.    Notification of acceptance:  February 1, 2013
.    Final manuscript:  June 1, 2013

*Guest Editors*
     Jeffrey Heinz (University of Delaware, he...@udel.edu)
     Colin de la Higuera (University of Nantes, c...@univ-nantes.fr)
     Tim Oates (University of Maryland, oa...@cs.umbc.edu)
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