Second Call for Papers * Due Date for White Papers: June 30 * IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Special Issue on Bayesian Nonparametrics
Topic description: Bayesian nonparametric models are probabilistic models defined over infinite dimensional parameter spaces. Examples include Gaussian processes, used in regression and classification, where the parameter space consists of the set of smooth functions, and Dirichlet process mixture models for density estimation problems, where the parameter space is dense in the space of densities. Bayesian nonparametrics present a flexible framework for modeling complex data and a viable alternative to model selection, and have gained increasing attention in machine learning, statistics, and related fields in recent years. We invite paper submissions for a special issue on Bayesian nonparametrics to be published in IEEE Transactions in Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Original research papers as well as overview and survey papers are welcome, on topics including, but not limited to: • Statistical and learning theory for Bayesian nonparametric methods; • Novel Bayesian nonparametric models and stochastic processes; • Novel methodologies for learning and inference, including Monte Carlo, variational, message-passing, online, and large scale algorithms. • Applications, to signal processing, image processing, speech, language processing and others. Priority will be given to papers with high novelty and originality for research papers, and to papers with high potential impact for survey/overview papers. Paper submission and review: We invite interested authors to submit 2-page white papers outlining their submission by June 30, 2012, by email to Feedback on the white paper will be provided, and suitable submissions invited to submit full papers online, by August 31, 2012, through the TPAMI site at, selecting the choice that indicates this special issue. Peer reviewing will follow the standard IEEE review process. Full length manuscripts are expected at this second stage, following the TPAMI guidelines in Time line: Submission of 2-page white papers: June 30, 2012. Feedback and invitations to submit full papers: July 15, 2012. Submission of full papers: August 31, 2012. First reviews: November 15, 2012. Revisions due: January 15, 2013. Decisions announced: February 28, 2013. Final manuscripts due: March 31, 2013. Guest editors: • Ryan P. Adams, Harvard University, • Emily Fox, University of Pennsylvania, • Erik Sudderth, Brown University, • Yee Whye Teh, University College London, _______________________________________________ uai mailing list uai@ENGR.ORST.EDU