The deadline for the workshop has been extended to *Sunday, May 13th, 2012*.

Call for papers attached below.

Call For Papers for ICML 2012 Workshop on
*INFERNING*: Interactions between Inference and Learning
Saturday, June 30th, 2012
Edinburgh, UK

This workshop studies the interactions between algorithms that learn a
model, and algorithms that use the resulting model parameters for
inference. These interactions are studied from two perspectives.

The first perspective studies how the choice of an inference algorithm
influences the parameters the model ultimately learns. For example, many
parameter estimation algorithms require inference as a subroutine.
Consequently, when we are faced with models for which exact inference is
expensive, we must use an approximation instead: MCMC sampling, belief
propagation, beam-search, etc. On some problems these approximations yield
superior models, yet on others, they fail catastrophically. We invite
studies that analyze (both empirically and theoretically) the impact of
approximate inference on the resulting model. How does approximate
inference alter the learning objective? Affect generalization? Influence
convergence properties? Further, does the behavior of inference change as
learning continues to improve the quality of the model?

A second perspective from which we study these interactions is by
considering how the learning objective and model parameters can impact both
the quality and performance of inference during “test time”. These
unconventional approaches to learning combine generalization to unseen data
with other desiderata such as fast inference. For example, work in
structured cascades learns model for which greedy, efficient inference can
be performed at test time while still maintaining accuracy guarantees.
Similarly, there has been work that learns operators for efficient
search-based inference. There has also been work that incorporates resource
constraints on running time and memory into the learning objective.

*List of Topics
*This workshop brings together practitioners from different fields
(information extraction, machine vision, natural language processing,
computational biology, etc.) in order to study a unified framework for
understanding and formalizing the interactions between learning and
inference. The following is a partial list of relevant keywords for the
- learning with approximate inference
- cost-aware learning
- learning sparse structures (structure learning)
- coarse to fine learning and inference
- pseudo-likelihood training
- contrastive divergence
- piecewise training
- scoring matching
- stochastic approximation
- incremental gradient methods

*Invited Speakers
*- Max Welling, University of California, Irvine (confirmed)
- Pedro Domingos, University of Washington (confirmed)
- David Sontag, New York University (confirmed)
- Jason Eisner, John Hopkins University

*Important Dates
*Submission Deadline: *Sunday May 13th, 2012* (11:59pm PST)
Author Notification: May 21st, 2012
Workshop: June 30th, 2012

*Author Guidelines
*Submissions are encouraged as extended abstracts of ongoing research. The
recommended page length is 4 pages (without included references).
Additional supplementary content may be included, but may not be considered
during the review process. Previously published or currently in submission
papers are also encouraged (we will confirm with authors before publishing
the papers online).

The format of the submissions should follow the ICML 2012 style, available
However, since the review process is not double-blind, submissions need not
be anonymized and author names may be included.

Submission site:

*Michael Wick <>, University of Massachusetts,
Sameer Singh <>, University of Massachusetts,
David Weiss <>, University of Pennsylvania,
Andrew McCallum <>, University of
Massachusetts, Amherst

Sameer Singh
PhD Student, Computer Science
UMass, Amherst <>
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