[Apologies for multiple postings]

CFP Workshop on Trust in Social Networks (WTSON2012)
August 26, 2012, Istanbul Turkey

NEW DATES: Paper submissions due: May 18, 2012


Online social networks (OSN) are increasingly being used as places where 
communities gather to exchange information, form opinions, collaborate in 
response to events like disasters or even social movements like the Arab Spring 
or Occupy Wall Street. OSNs both serve as places that bring communities 
together and as places where new communities are formed. These networks enable 
large scale and fast communication that has not been possible in the past. As a 
result, the networks are an ever changing medium of exchange. 

Participants face many challenges, particularly with respect to trust. Trust is 
a crucial component of social relationships. It allows individuals to share 
privileged information or take actions that involve risk.  When can information 
found on social media be trusted? Information typically travels very fast and 
becomes common wisdom before any trusted authorities can verify it. Who can be 
trusted to accomplish specific tasks?  What are some important cues in 
determining trust? Can these cues be manipulated? How can online social 
networks be protected against malicious activities?

This workshop aims to bring together researchers who study the role trust plays 
in online social networks. Our aim is to study trust from various perspectives, 
bridging cutting edge research in social science, psychology, cognitive science 
and computer science to develop a new understanding of trust in today's highly 
connected communities. We invite papers that study trust from a broad 
perspective and develop tools to understand, measure or enhance trust.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following: 
- Modeling and measuring trust, distrust and mistrust
- Modeling trust context
- Modeling evolution of trust
- Experimental methods to measure trust
- Impact of trust on information propagation
- Impact of trust on formation of memes, trends, movements
- Methods to manage trust in social networks
- Trust in games
- Impact of culture on trust

Papers describing work in progress, interdisciplinary approaches to trust are 
especially suited for this workshop. Short papers of 4 pages and long papers of 
8 pages maximum will both be accepted. All papers must use the IEEE two-column 
template. All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers from the 
selected program committee. Papers will be selected based on their originality, 
timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. Authors 
should illustrate that their papers represent new previously unpublished work. 
Accepted papers will be published as part of the ASONAM proceedings by IEEE CPS 
and indexed in EI
compendex. Note that at least one author of accepted papers needs to register 
and attend the workshop. Submissions must use the IEEE two-column template and 
submitted using the conference paper submission system. The conference 
submission submission system accessed through the following link 

Important dates: 

Submission deadline: *** May 18, 2012 ***
Acceptance notification: *** June 3, 2012 ***
Camera ready papers due: *** June 10, 2012 ***
Workshop date: August 26, 2012

Program co-chairs:

Sibel Adali, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Jen Golbeck, University of Maryland

Program Committee:

Tom DuBois, Virginia Technology
Cindy Hui, Rutgers University
Karrie G. Karahalios, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Steven Marsh, Communications Research Centre
John O'Donovan, University of California Santa Barbara
Jean-Marc Seigneur, University of Geneva  
Bongwon Suh, Adobe
Jaideep Srivastava, University of Minnesota 
William A. Wallace, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 
Felix Wu, University of California Davis
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