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           EXTENDED Deadline for submissions: 10th FEBRUARY 2012


                                 (IEEE CBMS Special Track)
                               June 20-22, 2012, Rome, Italy


                                      CALL FOR PAPERS

Scope and Topics
The current technology and communication developments, and the increasing
willingness of people to be involved in making decisions about their health or
disease, have been paving the way for advances in the area of personalised
healthcare. The uncertainty and complexity within this area require
smart solutions
and systems, which are capable to interpret context-specific information
concerning the patient and his/her environment.

The aim of this special track is to provide a dedicated platform
specifically designed for researchers, engineers and practitioners to present
and discuss their recent work and innovations in the interdisciplinary area
of smart healthcare technologies, and to consider potential collaborations
and future directions for development.

The scientific Programme Committee invites participants to submit high
quality papers that describe original and unpublished contributions
covering but not limited to the topics of interest listed below:

o Intelligent care assistants
o Patient-device interaction and personalised user interfaces
o Context-aware monitoring devices, sensors and networking
o Home-based diagnosis and treatment support
o Remote chronic disease management
o Advanced healthcare services
o Smart mobile health
o Intelligent approaches to healthcare delivery process
o Preventive and health screening services at distance
o User interfaces and interaction models
o Quality evaluation criteria and frameworks

Important dates and Submission
o Deadline for submissions            February 10, 2012
o Notification of acceptance               March 15, 2012
o Final camera-ready manuscript         April 10, 2012

Papers should be written in English, following the IEEE two-column format
and should not exceed the length of 6 (six) Letter-sized pages.
For more details please see the CBMS submission guidelines:


Paper submission is electronic via the CBMS web submission system:


When submitting a paper to this track, please choose its title.
All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings,
and will be published by the IEEE.

*** Best submissions will be considered for possible publication in a
special issue of IEEE Intelligent Systems. ***

At least one author of each accepted track paper must register for the

Track chairs and Contact
Marina Velikova (mari...@cs.ru.nl), Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Peter Lucas (pet...@cs.ru.nl), Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Program committee
For the complete list of Committee members please refer to the track website:

Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature,
music -- the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures,
beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.
Henry Miller (1891-1980), American Author
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