
Postdoctoral Research Associate Position
 The Teamcore Research Group
Computer Science Department
University of Southern California
Fall 2011

 The Teamcore group (http://teamcore.usc.edu) is focused on research on
multi-agent systems where multiple agents (including software agents,
robots and people) may interact. We focus on fundamental research issues
in Decision Theoretic (distributed MDPs), Game Theoretic,
Belief-Desire-Intentions (BDI) and Distributed Constraint Reasoning
(DCR) approaches to multiagent systems. In addition to fundamental
research, our group is particularly interested in use-inspired research:
applying research in multiagent systems to real-world problems and
advancing fundamental research to address these needs. For example, our
algorithms have been deployed for real-world use by several agencies
including the LAX police, the US Coast Guard, the Federal Air Marshals
service and the Transportation security administration. We are working
with several other agencies including the LA Sheriff's Department.

 We have new openings for post-doctoral research associate position
starting in Fall 2011 or early Spring 2012. Research will focus on the
areas of fundamental research outlined above with emphasis on new
algorithms and but also on their practical implementations /
applications. Interested applicants should send their CV and have three
letters of recommendation forwarded to Professor Milind Tambe

A key aspect of our research is the interedisciplinary partnerships
beyond Computer Science. To that end, one key group that a potential
postdoctoral research associate will interact with is the Game theory
and human behavior group (gthb.usc.edu). However, research projects also
include several other collaborations; please see our research projects
at teamcore.usc.edu

Milind Tambe
Computer Science and Industrial & Systems Engineering Departments
University of Southern California
PHE 410, 3737 Watt Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089
Tel: 213-740-6447; Fax: 213-740-7285

Postdoctoral Research Associate
TEAMCORE Research Group
Department of Computer Science
University of Southern California

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