[apologies for multiple copies]


Workshop on Data-Driven Decision Guidance and Support Systems (DGSS)
In conjunction with the 28th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering 
(ICDE 2012)

Washington DC, USA
April 1, 2012

You are invited to submit a paper to the upcoming Workshop on Data-Driven 
Decision Guidance and Support Systems (DGSS), to be held as part of the 28th 
IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2012) in April 2012 at 
the Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel in Arlington, Virginia, just 
across the Potomac River from Washington DC, USA.

Decision support systems (DSS) are widely used to support business or 
organizational decision-making at the management, operations and planning 
levels of an organization. Decision guidance systems (DGS) are decision support 
systems that go beyond organizing and displaying information, providing 
actionable recommendations to and extracting knowledge from human 
decision-makers. More specifically, Decision Guidance and Support Systems 
(DGSS) often need to 
   - use and mine large amounts of data collected from multiple sources   
   - learn deterministic or stochastic models of underlying processes from 
historical data
   - learn objectives or decision preferences from decision makers‚ responses 
   - perform optimization under diverse constraints, e.g., from business or 
engineering limitations and laws of nature, and 
   - present and justify actionable recommendations to decision makers.


This workshop will bring together DGSS researchers and practitioners to present 
novel methodologies, models, algorithms, systems, tools, applications and case 
studies of DGSS. Most importantly, the workshop will be a forum to discuss how 
to utilize advances from multiple disciplines for building DGSS that can 
intelligently merge human knowledge and expertise with formal mathematical 
models to make better decisions. The workshop will include both formal 
presentations and informal discussion of important research directions in DGSS, 
and their interactions with Knowledge and data engineering.


The areas below are intended as general guidance.  Contributions are welcome on 
any topic related to DGSS and any domain using DGSS.
 * Fundamental technical challenges for DGSS
    - Knowledge management for DGSS
    - Advanced analytics for managerial DGSS
    - OLAP and Data Warehousing for DGSS
    - Cloud computing and DGSS
    - Learning agents for DGSS
    - Data mining and business intelligence for DGSS
    - Regression, time series, and other statistical methods for DGSS
    - Optimization methods for DGSS
    - Knowledge and resource discovery for DGSS

 * DGSS for different categories of decision
    - Negotiation support
    - Decision dynamics, processes and issues for decisions with multiple 
    - Group, distributed, and collaborative DGSS
    - Crowd-sourcing and collective intelligence for DGSS
    - DGSS for strategic, tactical and operational level decisions

 * DGSS applications and case studies drawn from domains such as:
    - Health care
    - Sustainable development
    - Energy efficiency and smart grid
    - Environmental systems
    - Military decision making
    - Logistics and supply chain management
    - Facility location decisions


October 24 - Paper submissions due
December 7 - Author notification
December 19 - Camera ready papers due
April 1 - Workshop on Decision Guidance and Support Systems

Each submission will be evaluated for acceptability by at least three members 
of the Program Committee. Decisions about acceptance will be based on relevance 
to the workshop theme, originality, potential significance, topicality and 
clarity. Since all accepted papers will be presented at the workshop, we 
require that at least one of the submitting authors must be a registered 
participant at the ICDE 2012 Conference, and committed to attend the DGSS 
Submissions to the Workshop are accepted only in pdf format and should be sent 
via the workshop submission site: 
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dgss12.  Papers must be formatted in 
the IEEE camera-ready format.  Submissions must not exceed 12 pages, including 
figures. Submissions exceeding this limit will not be reviewed.
Following the general acceptance rules of the ICDE 2011 conference, papers 
that, at the time of submission, are under review for or have already been 
published in or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference 
will not be accepted to the DGSS workshop.

ICDE 2011 will be a full-day workshop. The sessions will be planned in a format 
that invites an open debate and discussion of fundamental challenges of 
data-driven DGSS.  All papers accepted to the DGSS Workshop will be presented 
during the workshop and published in the IEEE ICDE proceedings, which will be 
available as a separate publication after the Conference. In addition, 
technical papers accepted for presentation at the DGSS Workshop will be 
eligible for participating in an international journal special issue or in a 
post-proceedings book.


Alexander Brodsky, George Mason University, USA, brod...@gmu.edu
Kathryn Laskey, George Mason University, USA, klas...@gmu.edu


The confirmed members of the program committee are listed below (in 
alphabetical order)

Abdelkader Adla, Paul Sabatier University, France
Faramarz Agahi, U. of Gothenburg & Chalmers U. of Technology, Sweden
Malak Al-Nory, Effat University, Saudi Arabia
Khalid Alodhaibi, George Mason University & IBM, USA
Pedro Antunes, U. of Lisboa, Portugal
Marco Bohanec, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Mihai   Boicu, George Mason University, USA
Patrick Brezillon, U. Paris VI, France
Alexander Brodsky, George Mason University, USA
Peggy Brouse, George Mason University, USA
Frada Burstein, Monash University, Australia
Candea Ciprian, Ropardo SRL, Romania
Csaba Csaki, University College Cork, Ireland
Alfredo Cuzzocrea, University of Calabria, Italy
Fatima Dargan, SimTech Simulation Technology, Austria
Alexander Dekhtyar, California Polytechnic State University, USA
Boris Delibasic, U. of Belgrade, Serbia
Luis Diaz, U. of Coimbra - INESCC, Portugal
Omar El-Gayar, Dakota State University, USA
Sean Eom, Southeast Missouri State University, USA
Sergio Fernandez, Polytechnic Institute in Setubal, Portugal
Andreas Fink, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / UniBw Hamburg, Germany
Tingjian Ge, University of Kentucky, USA
Jorge E. Hernandez, U. of Liverpool, UK
Liaquant Hossain, U. of Sydney, Australia
Patrick Humphreys, London School of Economics, UK
Antonio Jiménez Martin, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain 
Kathrin Kirchner, Schiller University Jena, Germany
Kathryn B. Laskey, George Mason University, USA
Jessica Lin, George Mason University, USA
Isabelle Linden, University of Namur (FUNDP), Belgium
Shaofeng Liu, U. of Plymouth, UK
Eurico Lopez, Instituto Politechnico C Branco, Portugal
Joao Lourenco, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
Armando B., Mendes, Azores University, Portugal
Daniel O'Leary, U. of Southern California (USC), USA
Jason Papathanasiou, U. of Macedonia, Greece
Gloria Phillips-Wren, Loyola University Maryland, USA
Jens Pohl, Cal Poly University, San Luis Obispo, USA
Roy Rada, University of Maryland-Baltimore County, USA
Ana Respicio, U. of Lisbon, Portugal
Rita Ribeiro, CA3-UNINOVA, Portugal
Ines Saad, U. of Picardie Jules Verne, France
David Sammon, University College Cork, Ireland
Mareike Schoop, U. of Hohenheim, Germany
Hans-Jeurgen Sebastian, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Stanislaw Stanek, U. of Economics in Katowice, Poland
Rudolf  Vetschera, U. of Vienna, Austria
Stefan  Voß, U. of Hamburg, Germany
X. Sean Wang, Fudan University, China
Roland Weistroffer, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Pascale Zarate, Toulouse University - IRIT, France

We look forward to seeing you in Arlington in April!
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