**************************************************************************** FMCAD 2011 FORMAL METHODS IN COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ****************************************************************************
The 11th International Conference on FORMAL METHODS IN COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN October 30 - November 2, 2011, Austin, TX, USA http://www.fmcad.org/FMCAD11/ IMPORTANT DATES Early Registration: September 27 Discounted Conference Hotel Registration: October 7 Conference: October 30 - November 2 FMCAD 2011 is the eleventh in a series of conferences on the theory and application of formal methods in hardware and system design and verification. FMCAD provides a leading international forum to researchers and practitioners in academia and industry for presenting and discussing novel methods, technologies, theoretical results, and tools for formal reasoning about computing systems, as well as open challenges therein. KEYNOTE SPEAKER J Moore, Professor at UT Austin, winner of the ACM System Award (2005), member of National Academy of Engineering, and ACM Fellow on "The Role of Human Creativity in Mechanized Verification" TUTORIAL SPEAKERS Aarti Gupta, Senior Researcher at NEC on "Verifying Concurrent Programs" John Hughes, Professor at Chalmers University of Technology and CEO of QuviQ on "Specification Based Testing with QuickCheck" by Vigyan Singhal, President and CEO of Oski Technology Inc on "Planning for End-to-End Formal using Simulation-based Coverage" Fabio Somenzi, Professor at CU Boulder on "IC3: Where Monolithic and Incremental Meet" Ivan Sutherland, Visiting Scientist at Portland State University, ACM Turing Award winner (1988), member of National Academy of Engineering and National Academy of Sciences on "Self-Timing: a Step Beyond Synchrony" PANEL SESSIONS "Pervasive Formal Verification in Control System Design", moderated by Lee Pike, Galois, Inc. "Hardware Model Checking: Status, Challenges, and Opportunities", moderated by Murali Talupur, Intel For further details see http://www.fmcad.org/FMCAD11/advance-program.html. ASSOCIATED WORKSHOPS AND COMPETITION The following workshops are co-located with this year's conference: The 10th International Workshop on the ACL2 Theorem Prover and Its Applications (http://www.cs.ru.nl/~julien/acl2-11/) The Design and Implementation of Formal Tools and Systems workshop (http://www.nec-labs.com/research/system/systems_SAV-website/DIFTS11) We are also proud to host this year's Hardware Model Checking Competition (http://fmv.jku.at/hwmcc11). REGISTRATION Registration information is available at http://www.fmcad.org/FMCAD11/registration.html. Note that the early registration discount is only available until **September 27th, 2011**. A list of recommended hotels with preferential rates is available at http://www.fmcad.org/FMCAD11/venue.html. ORGANIZATION GENERAL CHAIRS Per Bjesse, Synopsys Inc., Hillsboro, USA Anna Slobodova, Centaur Technology, Austin, USA TUTORIALS CHAIR Barbara Jobstmann, VERIMAG, France PUBLICATIONS CHAIR Viktor Kuncak, EPFL, Switzerland LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS CHAIR David Rager, The University of Texas at Austin, USA STEERING COMMITTEE Jason Baumgartner, IBM, USA Aarti Gupta, NEC Labs America, USA Warren Hunt, University of Texas at Austin, USA Panagiotis Manolios, Northeastern University, USA Mary Sheeran, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden We hope to see you in Austin! -The FMCAD 2011 Organization Committee- [If you would like to be removed from the FMCAD mailing list, please respond with "fmcad unsubscribe" as the subject line] _______________________________________________ uai mailing list uai@ENGR.ORST.EDU https://secure.engr.oregonstate.edu/mailman/listinfo/uai